- House Riga district, Garkalne, - rm..
I would buy House in Riga district, Garkalne, Number of rooms: - rm.. Jauna ģimene meklē privātmāju līdz 120 000 EURO
Garkalne- rm.120 000 €25/04/2022Garkalne - House Riga district, Adazi, - rm..
I would buy House in Riga district, Adazi, Number of rooms: - rm.. Meklējam privātmāju Ādažos un tuvumā, izskatīsim visus piedāvājumus tel.
Adazi- rm.120 000 €25/04/2022Ādažu T/C Apelsīns Pakomāts Rīgas Gatve 5, Ādaži 9, Adazi - 13House Riga district, Marupe, 67 m², 1 fl., 2 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Marupe, House area: 67 m², Land area: 721 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Description: Building type: Brick, Stove heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Privātmāja, jaunai ģimenei, Jaunmārupē, Meža ielā 18a. - Māja sastāv no 2 istabām...
Marupe67 m²1 fl.2 rm.721 m²49 000 €25/04/2022Meža Iela 18a, Marupe - 7Apartment in Riga district, Salaspils, 49.8 м², 2 rm., 4 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga district, Salaspils, Area: 49.8 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: Special project. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Partial, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playgro...
Salaspils49.8 м²4 floor2 rm.9 fl.55 000 €24/04/2022Skolas Iela 1, Salaspils - 14Apartment in Riga, Mezciems, 77 м², 3 rm., 2 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Mezciems, Area: 77 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: New building, Built in: 2009 y.. Description: Building type: Other, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, lake...
Mezciems77 м²2 floor3 rm.5 fl.165 000 €24/04/2022Biķernieku Iela 160, Mezciems, Riga - 1House Jelgava and district, 3 rm..
I would buy House in Jelgava and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Ģimene ar vislielāko prieku pēc iespējas ātrāk vēlas iegādāties privātmāju Jelgavas apkārtnē. Būtu ideāli ja mājai ir zināms aptuvenais vērtējums. Varbūt kādam ir kas zināms,droši dodiet ziņu! Būsim ļoti pateicīgi.
Jelgava and district3 rm.Buy24/04/2022Jelgava - House Rezekne and district, 2 rm..
I would rent House in Rezekne and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Communications: .
Rezekne and district2 rm.130 €/mon.24/04/2022 - Apartment in Riga, Zolitude, 60 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Zolitude, Area: 60 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: 119 series. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, playground, sea, park.
Zolitude60 м²1 floor2 rm.9 fl.300 €/mon.24/04/2022Gramzdas Iela 17, Zolitude, Riga - House Riga, - rm..
I would rent House in Riga, Number of rooms: - rm.. Pāris
Other- rm.500 €/mon.24/04/2022Riga - 6Готовый бизнес Карловы Вары 4 квартиры, участок, 2 фирмы
Успей приехать и купить. Курорт Карловы Вары, эмигрируй. 2 компании владеющие: 4 квартирами, участком под коттедж или семейный отель. 30 мин 8 млн pуcскогoвopящиx в Геpмaнии, путeшecтвия рядом в приоpитeте. Туристы с Нидерландов, Бельгии, Франции, Польши, Венгрии, Австрии, Молдавии. Восточная Европа...
Homes abroad1000 m²3.5 fl.8 rm.700 m²2 200 000 €23/04/2022Мариансколазенска, Карловы Вары, Czech Republic - 8Two-room apartment in Jaunbiķeri quarter.
Two-room apartment in Jaunbiķeri quarter. They are 7 hectares of peace, quiet and fresh air just a 20-minute drive from the center of Riga. If you have any questions, call me, I will be happy to answer.
Mezciems60 м²3 floor2 rm.4 fl.150 000 €21/04/2022Kaivas Iela 31 K-3, Mezciems, Riga - 2House Riga district, Olaine, 30 m², 1 fl., 1 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Olaine, House area: 30 m², Land area: 600 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 1 rm.. Description: Building type: Wooden, No heating, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Grant. Communications: borehole. Продаю землю с двумя летними домиками. В каждом два...
Olaine30 m²1 fl.1 rm.600 m²17 500 €16/04/2022Mūrnieku 32, Olaine - 7Garden 70 m².
For sale garden Land area: 70 m², Land in ownership, House area: 40 m², Drive way: Asphalt road. Near: public transport, river. Daugavas tiešais krasts!
Gardens40 m²70 m²7 200 €16/04/2022Velniņi 7, Ciemupe - House Liepaja and district, 4 rm..
I would rent House in Liepaja and district, Number of rooms: 4 rm.. Communications: city water, electricity, city sewerage.
Liepaja and district4 rm.Rent15/04/2022 - 3House Riga, Darzini, 110 m², 1.5 fl., 3 rm..
For sale House in Riga, Darzini, House area: 110 m², Land area: 560 m², Floors total: 1.5 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm., Built in: 1997 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 2, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Wooden, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Grant. Communications: gas, ele...
Darzini110 m²1.5 fl.3 rm.560 m²90 000 €14/04/2022Zvirbuļu Iela 16, Dārziņi, Riga - 15262.42 m² buildings, 785.7 m² hangar, 6,29 ha land, Celinieki.
Property for sale, which includes a house of 201 m², auxiliary building of 61.42 m², hangar of 785.7 m², land of 6.29 ha, the house has 2 floors, 3-phase electricity, central heating with solid fuel. On the first floor there is a hallway, kitchen, large room, bathroom combined - shower, auxiliary ro...
Jelgava and district262 m²2 fl.5 rm.62900 m²249 000 €13/04/2022Ceļinieki, Jelgavas novads - 15House Jelgava and district, 320 m², 2 fl., 9 rm..
For sale two houses with a pond in Jelgava. The territory consists of two houses, a garage, greenhouses and a pond. Small house - 90m² - 4 rooms Large house - 230m² - 5 rooms and 4 bathrooms + It is possible to connect to the city sewer + High electrical output + Garage for 4 cars + Paving stones + ...
Jelgava and district320 m²2 fl.9 rm.3350 m²340 000 €13/04/2022Kronvalda 23, Jelgava - 7Spaces 512 м², 1 fl..
For sale spaces Premises area: 512 м², Floor: 1 fl., Building height: 1 fl., Building type: Brick. Communications: Electricity, 3-phase Electricity, City water, City sewerage.
Spaces512 м²1 fl.1 fl.350 000 €11/04/2022Stienes Iela 2, Чекуркалнс, Riga - 11House Riga district, Saulkrasti, 90 m², 2 fl., 6 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Saulkrasti, House area: 90 m², Land area: 700 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 6 rm., Built in: 1985 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 3, Building type: Brick, Stove heating, Furnishing: By agreement, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity, well, g...
Saulkrasti90 m²2 fl.6 rm.700 m²45 000 €10/04/2022Ceturta Iela 62, Saulkrasti - 14Office 123400 м².
For sale office Premises area: 123400 м², Floor: 2 fl., Building height: 7 fl.. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Condition: Full, Heating type: Central heating, Full, Furnishing: Furniture. Additionally: Parking for staff, Alarm system, Video surveillance. Office and retail space for sale wi...
Offices123400 м²2 fl.7 fl.950 000 €09/04/2022Pulkveža Brieža Iela 21, Centrs, Riga - 7Office 123 м².
For sale office Premises area: 123 м², Floor: 1 fl., Building height: 4 fl., Building type: Brick, Condition: Full, Heating type: Central heating, Full, Furnishing: Furniture, Parking for staff, Parking for visitors, Alarm system. Office space is being offered for sale in the prestigious embassy are...
Offices123 м²1 fl.4 fl.250 000 €09/04/2022Dzirnavu Iela 3a-2, Centrs, Riga - 9Apartment in Riga, Center, 97 м², 3 rm., 2 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 97 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 4 fl., Series: Pre-war building. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Partially furnished, fireplace, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, lake,...
Center97 м²2 floor3 rm.4 fl.250 000 €09/04/2022Riharda Vāgnera Iela 19, Centrs, Riga - 151st dzīvoklis Vecmilgrāvī
Pārdošanai tiek piedāvāts vienistabas dzīvoklis 5. stāvā. Mazģimeņu projektā, kur ierīkoti gari caurstaigājami gaiteņi, dzīvokļa atrašanās vieta var tikt uzskatīta par priekšrocību, jo neviens nestaigā garām, kā arī virs dzīvokļa un istabā nav kaimiņu. Dzīvoklis silts, mitruma un/vai pelējuma problē...
Vecmilgravis43 м²5 floor1 rm.5 fl.38 450 €07/04/2022Stiebru 7, Vecmilgravis, Riga - House Daugavpils, Griva, 2 rm..
I would rent House in Daugavpils, Griva, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Communications: electricity.
Griva2 rm.130 €/mon.07/04/2022Pārdaugavas Iela 001, Dzintari, Daugavpils