• Māja Rikavā - MM.LV
    Māja Rikavā

    Adrese: Jaunības iela 15A, Rikava, Rikavas pag., Rēzeknes nov. Īpašums atrodas pašā Rikavas centrā. Pārs minūšu gājienā atrodas pārtikas veikali, kultūras nams, autobusa pietura. Līdz Viļāniem 11 km. Ēka celta 1992. gadā. Būves konstruktīvie elementi: pamati betona bloki, sienas koka baļķi, apšūta a...

    Rezekne and district186 m²1 fl.4 rm.9000 m²
    10 000 €Yesterday 18:29Jaunības Iela 15A, Rikava
  • 453 m² house, 2422 m² land, Bernatu street 8, Mezaparks, Riga, Latvia. - MM.LV
    453 m² house, 2422 m² land, Bernatu street 8, Mezaparks, Riga, Latvia.

    For sale two-storey stone house 453 m² land 2422 m². The house was reconstructed in 2000, architect M.Ezergaile. Beautifully manicured garden according to the project of landscape architect A.Kalnozola. On the first floor of the house there is a spacious living room with a fireplace from which there...

    Mezaparks453 m²2 fl.6 rm.2422 m²
    850 000 €10/03/2025Bernātu Iela 8, Mezaparks, Riga
  • 94 m² building, 645 m² land, Sputniks 57, Davi, Olaine parish. - MM.LV
    94 m² building, 645 m² land, Sputniks 57, Davi, Olaine parish.

    For sale: 1.5-storey building with a total area of 94 m² (4 rooms (2 on the first floor and 2 on the second floor)), 645 m² of land, in the cooperative Sputniks, the building is insulated, plastic double-glazed windows, an attached carport, electricity 3 phases, water is drawn in ( own spice and coo...

    Olaine94 m²1.5 fl.4 rm.645 m²
    38 000 €09/03/2025Sputņiks 57, Olaine
  • 78.4 m² house, 72.4 m² sauna, 152.6 m² farm building, 1769 m² land. - MM.LV
    78.4 m² house, 72.4 m² sauna, 152.6 m² farm building, 1769 m² land.

    For sale, 1-storey house with an area of 78.4 m² with an attic, 2 rooms with a separate kitchen, a bathroom, the possibility to build the attic floor as you like (2 rooms are planned), the property is fully furnished, gas heating (radiators and additionally there is an alternative wood heating), cit...

    Preili and district78 m²1 fl.4 rm.1769 m²
    59 000 €09/03/2025Lāčplēša Iela 17, Livani
  • House Riga district, Sunisi, 439,8 m², 3 fl., 7 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Sunisi, 439,8 m², 3 fl., 7 rm..

    For sale House in Riga district, Sunisi, House area: 439,8 m², Land area: 1740 m², Floors total: 3 fl., Number of rooms: 7 rm., Built in: 2005. y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 2, Number of bathrooms: 3, Building type: Other, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications:...

    Sunisi439.8 m²3 fl.7 rm.1740 m²
    411 000 €09/03/2025Gaigalu, Sunisi
  • House Riga, 85 m², 1 fl., 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga, 85 m², 1 fl., 3 rm..

    For sale House in Riga, House area: 85 m², Land area: 3429 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Description: Building type: Block, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Pārdodu privātmāju ar plašu teritoriju. Istabas savu laiku ir remontētas, vajadzētu atsvaidz...

    Other85 m²1 fl.3 rm.3429 m²
    150 000 €09/03/2025Sātiņu Iela 2, Beberbeķi, Riga
  • House Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, 40 m², 1 fl., 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, 40 m², 1 fl., 3 rm..

    For sale House in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, House area: 40 m², Land area: 100 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Description: Building type: Wooden, Stove heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground.

    Jaunbuve40 m²1 fl.3 rm.100 m²
    10 000 €08/03/2025Kaunas, Jaunbūve, Daugavpils
  • Privātmāja Jēkabpilī, Augļu ielā 1 - MM.LV
    Privātmāja Jēkabpilī, Augļu ielā 1

    Privātmāja atrodas pilsētas centrālaj daļā, netālu atrodas Jēkabpils Valsts ģimnāzija, jauniešu centrs, 2 parki. Būves konstruktīvie elementi: dzelzsbetona bloku pamati, koka sienas, koka sijas ar koku dēļu aizpildījumu, šīfera jumts. Plānojums: 1. stāvs priekštelpa, kolidoris, 3 istabas, virtuve, v...

    Jekabpils and district123 m²2 fl.5 rm.1055 m²
    60 000 €07/03/2025Augļu Iela 1, Jekabpils
  • Adrese: Rijnieki 2, Sunākstes pag., Aizkraukles nov. - MM.LV
    Adrese: "Rijnieki 2", Sunākstes pag., Aizkraukles nov.

    Adrese: "Rijnieki 2", Sunākstes pag., Aizkraukles nov. Lauku viensēta ar plašu zemes gabalu ir izvietojusies 1 km attālumā no ciemata Sunākste. Pārs minūšu braucienā atrodas veikals, turpat autobusa pietura. 30 km līdz Jēkabpilij, 31.5 km līdz Aizkrauklei. Būves konstruktīvie elementi: pamati akmens...

    Aizkraukle and district80 m²1 fl.3 rm.23000 m²
    21 500 €07/03/2025Rijnieki 2, Aizkraukles Novads
  • 265.9 m² house, 3.77 ha land, Daugavmala, Saulkalne. - MM.LV
    265.9 m² house, 3.77 ha land, Daugavmala, Saulkalne.

    For sale, a large property with three functional buildings: 1. Residential building 265.9 m², 2 floors with a beautiful view of the Daugava, 6 rooms, 3 bathrooms. 2. Guest house 180 m² 2 floors, 3 rooms, one bathroom. 3. Russian bathhouse with banquet hall and living second floor 173.8 m² 2 floors, ...

    Saulkalne704 m²2 fl.12 rm.37700 m²
    1 200 000 €07/03/2025Daugavmalas, Saulkalne
  • 167.7 m² house, 3525 m² land, 57 Ezeru Street, Graveri, Graveru Parish - MM.LV
    167.7 m² house, 3525 m² land, 57 Ezeru Street, Graveri, Graveru Parish

    For sale 2-storey house area 167.7 m², land area 3525 m², in the village of Graveri 300 meters from the lake Jazinks, 5 rooms, central village water pipe, own sewerage pit 10 m³, heating system with solid fuel: firewood, coal, briquettes, electricity, property for sale with all furniture and equipme...

    Kraslava and district167 m²2 fl.5 rm.3525 m²
    39 000 €07/03/2025Ezeru Iela 57, Graveri
  • 192.7 m² shop - residential house, 1922 m² land, Vecbaznicas street 5. - MM.LV
    192.7 m² shop - residential house, 1922 m² land, Vecbaznicas street 5.

    Property for sale in Livani for commercial activity and living, which consists of a shop - residential house area 192.7 m², garage 62.4 m², auxiliary buildings with an area of 114.9 m², land 1922 m², the property is adapted for commercial activity, development possibilities as needed (shop, warehous...

    Preili and district192.7 m²2 fl.3 rm.1922 m²
    90 000 €06/03/2025Vecbaznīcas Iela 5, Livani
  • For Sale: Unique Manor in Latvia - MM.LV
    For Sale: Unique Manor in Latvia

    A unique manor is offered for sale, featuring a land plot of 53.76 hectares and 17 buildings with a total area of approximately 10,000 m². The main building of the manor occupies 2,735 m². This privately owned property is located in Sigulda, one of Latvia's largest tourist and recreational centers, ...

    Sigulda2735 m²3.5 fl.50 rm.537600 m²
    3 000 000 €05/03/2025Mednieku Iela 3, Sigulda
  • House Riga district, Olaine, 52 m², 2 fl., 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Olaine, 52 m², 2 fl., 3 rm..

    For sale House in Riga district, Olaine, House area: 52 m², Land area: 600 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 2, Building type: Brick, Stove heating, Furnishing: By agreement, Drive way: Grant. Mājīga, plaša vasarnīca labā vietā. Māja ir kārtīga, pamati...

    Olaine52 m²2 fl.3 rm.600 m²
    17 900 €05/03/2025Bērziņi 86, Olaine
  • Charming 6-Bedroom House for Rent in Mežaparks - MM.LV
    Charming 6-Bedroom House for Rent in Mežaparks

    We are pleased to offer this spacious and comfortable 3-storey Art Deco-style house for rent in the prestigious Mežaparks area. Originally built in 1928 and designed by the renowned architect Alfred Aschenkampff in the Art Nouveau style, this brick house stands as one of the first buildings in Riga ...

    Mezaparks315 m²3 fl.7 rm.1500 m²
    2 900 €/mon.02/03/2025Bergenas Iela 8, Mezaparks, Riga
  • House Jurmala, Bulduri, 153 m², 2 fl., 5 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Jurmala, Bulduri, 153 m², 2 fl., 5 rm..

    For rent House in Jurmala, Bulduri, House area: 153 m², Land area: 883 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 4, Number of bathrooms: 2, Building type: Other, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, gas, electricit...

    Bulduri153 m²2 fl.5 rm.883 m²
    2 500 €/mon.02/03/2025Bulduru Prospekts, Bulduri, Jurmala
  • House Jurmala, Valteri, Land 1386m² - MM.LV
    House Jurmala, Valteri, Land 1386m²

    For sale House in Jurmala, Asari, House area: 66 m²+ Garden house 45,8m2, Land area: 1386m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm., Built in: 1962 y., Number of bedrooms: 3, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Cipro-Panel, Stove heating, Furnishing: By agreement, Drive way: Grant. Communica...

    Asari66 m²1 fl.5 rm.1386 m²
    93 500 €02/03/2025Kalnu Iela, Asari, Jurmala
  • 103.7 m² house, 84.2 m² log house-bathhouse, 10.87 ha land, Dankari - MM.LV
    103.7 m² house, 84.2 m² log house-bathhouse, 10.87 ha land, Dankari

    Rural property for sale, consisting of a 103.7 m² residential house, 84.2 m² log house-bathhouse, land 10.87 ha. The property is located in a unique location, inaccessible to strangers, and allows you to remain in complete solitude with nature without losing the usual comfort of city life. The build...

    Aizkraukle and district187.9 m²2 fl.4 rm.108700 m²
    199 000 €01/03/2025Dankari
  • 107.8 m² 2-storey building, 1306 m² land, Plakanciema Egles 113, Vaiva - MM.LV
    107.8 m² 2-storey building, 1306 m² land, Plakanciema Egles 113, Vaiva

    In one of the most favorite recreation areas of Riga citizens, the gardening and summer cottage area of Vaivadi, on the edge of the forest in the quiet of a small village, a large plot of land of 1306 m² and an unfinished two-story new building 107.8 m² are for sale. The property for sale consists o...

    Olaine107.8 m²2 fl.4 rm.1306 m²
    43 000 €01/03/2025Plakanciema Egles 113, Olaine
  • 307.1 m² house, 1533 m² land, Torna street 20, Medemciems. - MM.LV
    307.1 m² house, 1533 m² land, Torna street 20, Medemciems.

    For sale two-storey house 307.1 m² without basement. Land 1533 m². 7 km to Riga. Landscape design. Living area - 200 m². Ground floor 2 living rooms: bedroom, hall, shower, kitchen, storage room. 2nd floor 4 rooms - 3 bedrooms, bathroom and study. Three types of heating: liquefied gas, solid fuel, e...

    Medemciems307.1 m²2 fl.6 rm.1533 m²
    350 000 €01/03/2025Torņa Iela 20, Medemciems
  • House Riga, Kengarags, 205 m², 2 fl., 4 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga, Kengarags, 205 m², 2 fl., 4 rm..

    For sale House in Riga, Kengarags, House area: 205 m², Land area: 602 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 4 rm., Built in: 1990 y., Number of bedrooms: 2, Number of bathrooms: 2, Building type: Brick, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Asphalt.

    Kengarags205 m²2 fl.4 rm.602 m²
    120 000 €01/03/2025Prūšu 43,43A, Kengarags, Riga
  • House Saldus and district. - MM.LV
    House Saldus and district.

    I would buy House in Saldus and district. vai pilsētas tuvumā.Izskatīšu visus piedāvājumus.

    Saldus and district
  • House Riga, Agenskalns, 30 m², 1 fl., 1 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga, Agenskalns, 30 m², 1 fl., 1 rm..

    For sale House in Riga, Agenskalns, House area: 30 m², Land area: 1450 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 1 rm., Built in: 1980 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 1, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Brick, No heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city w...

    Agenskalns30 m²1 fl.1 rm.1450 m²
    70 000 €01/03/2025Slokas Iela 9, Agenskalns, Riga
  • House Riga district, Kalngale, 147 m², 2 fl., 4 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Kalngale, 147 m², 2 fl., 4 rm..

    A modern and fully equipped semi-detached house in a picturesque village with a fenced and landscaped area only 30 minutes' drive from the center of Riga! On the first floor, a spacious open kitchen combined with a living room and an exit to the terrace, a bathroom, and a spacious built-in closet in...

    Kalngale147 m²2 fl.4 rm.600 m²
    249 000 €26/02/2025Cielavu 16A, Kalngale