Land property Riga district
Land property in Riga district, Salaspils.For sale land property in Riga district, Salaspils, Land area: 0.0608 ha, Drive way: Grant. Communications: borehole. Near: river, pond, forest.
Salaspils0.0608 ha27 000 €Yesterday 14:40Долес 121, Salaspils- Land property in Riga district, Salaspils.
I would buy land property in Riga district, Salaspils, Land area: 12000 m², with approved project. Communications: electricity, borehole. Near: public transport.
Salaspils12000 m²17 000 €13/03/2025Miera Iela 14, Salaspils - 12Land property in Riga district, Garciems.
For sale land property in Riga district, Garciems, Land area: 5000 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications:. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, sea, river, lake, forest.
Garciems5000 m²0 €/м²31 500 €11/03/2025Garciema Cels, Garciems - 7Land property in Riga district, Adazi.
For sale land property in Riga district, Adazi, Land area: 2500 m², Drive way: Grant. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, sea, river, lake, forest. Īpašnieks pārdod zemes gabalu 0, 25ha platībā (2500m2) gleznainā vietā. Piemērots omulīgas mājas būvniecībai. Sausa, neplūstoša v...
Adazi5000 m²31 500 €11/03/2025Garciema Cels, Adazi - 9Land property in Riga district, Olaine.
For sale land property in Riga district, Olaine, Land area: 617 m², Drive way: Grant.
Olaine617 m²18 000 €07/03/2025Dks Vasara, Virši 172, Olaine - 11Land property in Riga district, Incukalns.
For sale land property in Riga district, Incukalns, Land area: 8000, Drive way: Asphalt.
Incukalns8000 m²8 €/м²64 000 €03/03/2025Zaķīši, Incukalns - 6Land property in Riga district.
land property in Riga district, Land area: 600 m², Drive way: Grant, electricity, well, public transport, river, forest.
Parolaine600 m²20 000 €27/02/2025Janupe Spridisa Iela, Parolaine -
3Land property in Riga district, Ragana.
For sale land property in Riga district, Ragana, Land area: 1 ha, Drive way: Asphalt. Near: school, kindergarten, river, park.
Ragana1 ha50 000 €17/02/2025Gavēņu Iela 15, Ragana -
154648 m² building land, Nakotnes Street 34, Ķekava, Ķekavas Parish.
Excellent land property for sale with an area of 4648 m² in the center of Kekava, perfect Kekava city infrastructure (town hall, supermarkets, schools, kindergarten, sports hall, stadium, park, swimming pool) up to 10 min. within walking distance, water supply and sewerage in the area, electricity e...
Kekava4648 m²70 000 €17/02/2025Nākotnes Iela 34, Kekava - Land property in Riga district, Stunisi.
For sale land property in Riga district, Stunisi, Land area: 1291 m², Drive way: Grant. Zēme privātmājas būvniecībai un dārzam. Elektrība, ūdens spice, jauns žogs. Teritorija tika iztirīta no krumiem un kokiem. Ciemātā ir pieējams optiskais internets un gāze (blakus zemesgabalam). TC Aleja 5 min bra...
Stunisi1291 m²65 000 €15/02/202510.linija, Stunisi -
4Land property in Riga district, Acone.
For sale land property in Riga district, Acone.
Acone4632 m²65 000 €13/02/2025Augšrūķu Iela Jaunpiebalgas, Acone -
15Land property in Riga district.
For sale land property in Riga district, Land area: 600 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Pārdodam zemes gabalu 600 m² dārza ierīkošanai. Ja vēlaties, zemes gabala platību var palielināt līdz 1000 metriem vai vairāk. Īpašumtiesību reģistrācija zemes grāmatā. Ideāla vieta, lai izveidotu savu personīgo dabas st...
Cits600 m²8 €/м²4 800 €11/02/2025Mežmalas, Varkali - 1Land property in Riga district, Jaunolaine.
For sale land property in Riga district, Jaunolaine, Land area: 18410 ha, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity.
Jaunolaine18410 ha120 000 €04/02/2025Čiekuri, Jaunolaine -
9Land property in Riga district.
For sale land property in Riga district, Land area: 1217 m², with approved project, Drive way: Grant. Near: public transport, playground, pond, forest. Tiek pārdots plašs zemesgabals, platība 1217m2 jeb divi standarta zemes gabali kopā. Kluss un mierīgs rajons, netālu mežs. Vairāki kaimiņi dzīvo vis...
Cits1217 m²8 000 €02/02/2025Tilitiņi 233/234, Stīpnieki -
4Zeme privātmājas celtniecībai
Piebrauktuve - asfaltēts pašvaldības ceļš. Zeme privātmājas celtniecībai. Zemes gabala platība 1888 m2, kurš atrodas Vangažu pilsētas labākajā vietā - attīstīta infrastruktūra, poliklīnika, bērnudārzs, skola utt. Zemes gabals atrodas paaugstinājumā, gar to ir pilsētas centrālās komunikācijas - ūdens...
Vangazi1888 m²19 €/м²37 500 €24/01/2025Parka Iela 21, Vangazi - 8Land property in Riga district, Murjani.
For sale land property in Riga district, Murjani, Land area: 0.4 ha, with approved project.
Murjani0.4 ha18 000 €04/01/20251, Murjani - 5Land property in Riga district.
For sale land property in Riga district.
Cits2993 m²40 000 €14/12/2024Parka Iela, Baldone -
9Land property in Riga district, Skulte.
For sale land property in Riga district, Skulte, Land area: 1017 m², Drive way: Asphalt.
Skulte1017 m²41 900 €10/11/2024Liberu Iela 9, Skulte - 1Land property in Riga district, Krogsils.
For sale land property in Riga district, Krogsils, Land area: 1900, Drive way: Grant. Near: forest.
Krogsils1900 m²13.2 €/м²25 000 €10/11/2024Doliņi, Krogsils -
5Land property in Riga district, Dzilnuciems.
For sale land property in Riga district, Dzilnuciems, Land area: 1274 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Near: lake, forest. Pārdodu zemes gabalu klusā vietā, blakus mežs, ir piebraucamais ceļš un elektrība. Rīgas centrs 25 minūšu brauciens. Babītes vidusskola un sporta komplekss 8 m...
Dzilnuciems1274 m²25.12 €/м²37 800 €06/11/2024Sniegu Iela 20, Dzilnuciems - 8Land property in Riga district, Adazi.
For sale land property in Riga district, Adazi, Land area: 1693 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity, city water, city sewerage. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, river, lake. Zemes gabals viscentrālākajā vietā Ādažos, ar brīvu skatu uz Vējupi, Āda...
Adazi1693 m²150 000 €02/11/2024Skolas Iela 31, Adazi -
3Land property in Riga district, Ragana.
For sale land property in Riga district, Ragana, Land area: 1 ha, with approved project, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. For sale. The farm lost in the forest. The land area is one hectare. A convenient road will lead you to your future estate, securely hidden in the forest. One frien...
Ragana1 ha2.5 €/м²25 000 €29/10/2024"Mežlapiņas" 7, Ragana - 9Plot of land for private development in a quiet location Jāņupe
For sale is a plot of land for private development in a quiet location surrounded by forest, summer cottages and private houses in Jāņupe. The property consists of agricultural land as well as forest land (about 2500 m2), which has just undergone forest land taxation. According to the zoning, it is ...
Olaine6120 m²5.50 €/м²31 000 €23/10/2024Jāņupe Gārņi, Olaine - 6Land property in Riga district, Medemciems.
For sale land property in Riga district, Medemciems, Land area: 725 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Near: public transport, forest. Lieliska vieta privātmājas būvniecībai. Vieta ir klusa, zaļa, nomaļa. Zemes gabals ir sauss, taisnstūra formas. Īpašums atrodas privātās apbūves teri...
Medemciems725 m²25 000 €19/10/2024Rīts 234, Medemciems