• 2
    Land property in Riga district, Saulkrasti. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Saulkrasti.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Saulkrasti, Land area: 3299 m², Drive way: Grant. whatsapp e-pasts aktīvs! droši jautā!

    Saulkrasti3299 m²
    15 750 €05/10/20217, Saulkrasti
  • 8
    Pieguļoši zemesgabali Siguldas pilsētas austrumu daļā - MM.LV
    Pieguļoši zemesgabali Siguldas pilsētas austrumu daļā

    Īpašnieks pārdod četrus savstarpēji pieguļošus zemesgabalus Siguldas pilsētas austrumu daļā. Zemesgabali atrodas stratēģiski izdevīgā vietā ar teicamu infrastruktūru. Pieejamas visas pilsētas komunikācijas. Zemesgabali bez apgrūtinājumiem. Zemesgabalos iespējams veikt apbūvi vai izmantot lielgabarīt...

    Sigulda2035 m²35 €/м²
    71 225 €30/08/2021Vildogas Ceļš, Sigulda
  • Land property in Riga district. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district.

    I would buy land property in Riga district, Land area: 1200 m², Communications: electricity, borehole. Near: public transport.

    Cits1200 m²
    7 000 €18/05/2021
  • 4
    Land property in Riga district, Pabazi. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Pabazi.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Pabazi, Land area: 604 m², Drive way: Grant. Near: public transport, playground, river, pond, forest. Pārdod sakārtotu īpašumu Rīgas rajonā, Pabažos, Zemes platība: 604 m², (Izlīdzināta teritorija, nojaukti grausti, izvesti būvgruži, izcirsti krūmi). Uz īpašu...

    Pabazi604 m²13.6 €/м²
    8 200 €13/04/2021Ābelītes 71, Pabazi
  • Land property in Riga district. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Land area: 4278 m², Drive way: Grant. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, park.

    Cits4278 m²4.68 €/м²
    20 000 €19/11/2019Ķeguma Prospekts 34, Baldone
  • 9
    Land property in Riga district, Kalngale. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Kalngale.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Kalngale, Land area: 2374 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: gas, electricity. Near: public transport, supermarket, sea, river, park.

    Kalngale2374 m²
    90 000 €31/10/2019Pelikānu Iela, Kalngale
  • 2
    Land property in Riga district, Salaspils. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Salaspils.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Salaspils, Drive way: Country road. Communications: electricity, m².

    Salaspils1237 m²
    14 000 €11/07/2019Saulesciems, Salaspils
  • 5
    Land property in Riga district, Pinki. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Pinki.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Pinki, Land area: 1.6198 ha, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: gas. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, river, lake, pond, forest, park.

    Pinki1.6198 ha17 €/м²
    272 000 €07/06/2019Pinki
  • 6
    Land property in Riga district, Mezciems. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Mezciems.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Mezciems, Land area: 7001 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: gas, electricity, city water, borehole, city sewerage. Near: public transport, sea, forest.

    Mezciems7001 m²
    21 000 €03/04/2019Sintēzes Iela 7
  • Land property in Riga district, Jaunmarupe. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Jaunmarupe.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Jaunmarupe, Land area: 2.19 ha, Drive way: Grant. Communications: gas, electricity. Near: public transport, school, kindergarten, river, lake, forest, park.

    Jaunmarupe2.19 ha10 €/м²
    219 000 €26/02/2019Saulesceļš, Jaunmarupe
  • Premium listings
    • Family apartment with high class finishing. Goggenau appliances - MM.LVPremium
      Family apartment with high class finishing. Goggenau appliances

      Family apartment with high class finishing for Rent or Sale in the Silent Center Kitchen with Goggenau appliances (Luxury Home Appliances) Sale possible -I offer underground parking. Price is negotiable All rooms have air conditioning Fully Furnished Bedrooms, Living room. 2 Bedrooms and each has it...

      Center130 м²5 floor3 rm.5 fl.
      300 000 €
      14/09/2024Vīlandes Iela, Centrs, Riga
  • 3
    Land property in Riga district, Adazi. - MM.LV
    Land property in Riga district, Adazi.

    For sale land property in Riga district, Adazi, Land area: 2200 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, river, lake, forest.

    Adazi22 €/м²
    49 000 €12/12/2018Ciekuru, Adazi
  • 6
    Zeme Gaujaslīču ielā, Gauja, Inčukalna novads - MM.LV
    Zeme Gaujaslīču ielā, Gauja, Inčukalna novads

    Īpašnieks pārdod zemes gabalus privātmāju celtniecībai, katrs gabals 0.3 ha. Gaujaslīču ielā. Zeme pie Siguldas šosejas, 35 km no Rīgas, 10 km pirms Siguldas. Izveidots asfaltēts piebraucamais ceļš. Blakus komunikācijas - ūdensvads, kanalizācija, elektrība. Attīstīta infrastruktūra - veikals, bērnud...

    7 500 €18/05/2018