Bumper repair
Air conditioner repair
All repairs
Body works
Brake system repair
Bumper repair
Car interior repair
Chemical cleaning, polishing
Electronics repair
Engine reapair
Gas system repair
Lamp, optics repair
Music, alarm systems
Preparation for sale
Pump, hydraulics repair
Rim repair
Running gear repair
Starter, generator repair
Steering system repair
Tapes, airbrushing
Tapes, airbrushing
Tire fitting
Transmission repair
Turbocharger repair
Wheel alignment
Window replacement
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- 1Job for panel beaters (bodywork technicians) in Ireland
The big company is looking for Panel Beaters to their workshops in Ireland. The company has 12 workshops in different parts of the country. Now they are opening new workshop in Dublin and they need new employees. The company offers: - Work on official employment contract with an Irish company. - Air...
Bumper repair4 200 €07/07/2023Estonia