- 15House Riga, Center, 800 m², 4 fl., 15 rm..
For sale House in Riga, Center, House area: 800 m², Land area: 700 m², Floors total: 4 fl., Number of rooms: 15 rm., Built in: 2004 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 4, Number of bathrooms: 6, Building type: Brick, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water,...
Center800 m²4 fl.15 rm.700 m²1 100 000 €31/03/2022Avotu Iela 14, Centrs, Riga - 11Apartment in Aluksne and district, 49 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.
For sale an apartment in Aluksne and district, Area: 49 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 3 fl., Series: Special project, Built in: 1991 y.. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Partial, Full, Furnishing: Partially furnished, kindergarten, lake, park, forest.
Aluksne and district49 м²1 floor2 rm.3 fl.28 900 €30/03/2022Brīvības 17, Aluksne - House Jekabpils and district, 4 rm..
I would buy House in Jekabpils and district, Number of rooms: 4 rm.. Communications: city water, electricity, city sewerage, supermarket, school, playground, park.
Jekabpils and district4 rm.100 €29/03/2022Jekabpils - 15Apartment in Riga, Ziepniekkalns, 63 м², 3 rm., 8 floor.
I would buy an apartment in Riga, Ziepniekkalns, Area: 63 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, park, forest.
Ziepniekkalns63 м²8 floor3 rm.9 fl.79 850 €28/03/2022Valdeku Str. 62-64, Ziepniekkalns, Riga - 1Visa veida darījumi ar nekustamo īpašumu
Visa veida darījumi ar nekustamo īpašumu: -dzīvokļi, -mājas, -zeme. Kā arī risinām visa veida finanšu problēmas, sedzam komunālos parādus, risinām problēmas ar kredītiem. Bezmaksas konsultācijas.
Services28/03/2022Riga - 3House Aizkraukle and district, 319,2 m², 2 fl., 6 rm..
For sale House in Aizkraukle and district, House area: 319,2 m², Land area: 1600 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 6 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 4, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Cipro-Panel, Central heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: elec...
Aizkraukle and district319.2 m²2 fl.6 rm.1600 m²93 000 €26/03/2022Dzeņu, Koknese - House Jelgava and district, 3 rm..
I would rent House in Jelgava and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm., fireplace, air conditioner.
Jelgava and district3 rm.150 €/mon.26/03/2022Pērnavas Iela 18-21, Jelgava - 5House Riga, Zolitude, 248 m², 2 fl., 5 rm..
For sale House in Riga, Zolitude, House area: 248 m², Land area: 3040 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm., Built in: 2022 y.. Description: Building type: Cipro-Panel, Central heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, gas, electricity, city sewerage...
Zolitude248 m²2 fl.5 rm.3040 m²330 000 €25/03/2022Vecaines 2a, Zolitude, Riga - House Ventspils and district, 2 rm..
I would rent House in Ventspils and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Labvakar.Ģimene STEIDZAMI ,ar diviem bērniem meklē māju, līdz 3istabām.Ar vīru abi strādājam, esam maksāt spējīgi.Vēlams iekārtotu. Var būt ne pirmā svaiguma,bet tā,lai var dzīvot uzreiz. Lai ir silts. Varam arī pieskatīt Jūsu māj...
Ventspils and district2 rm.200 €/mon.24/03/2022Ventspils - Apartment in Riga district, 50 м², 2 rm..
I would buy an apartment in Riga district, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Vēlos iegādāties 2.istabu dzīvoklī, māju, mājās daļu Rīgā, Rīgas rajonā vai tās tuvumā uz izpirkuma tiesībām.
Cits50 м²2 rm.Buy20/03/2022 - House Riga, Jugla, 12 m², 1 fl., 1 rm..
For rent House in Riga, Jugla, House area: 12 m², Land area: 600 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 1 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 1, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Brick, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, gas, electricity, cit...
Jugla12 m²1 fl.1 rm.600 m²170 €/mon.18/03/2022Slēpotāju Iela, Jugla, Riga - 3Modular house 12 m², 1 rm..
For sale modular house 12 m², Number of rooms: 1 rm.. pārdodu tirdzniecības kiosku, siltināts, āra žalūzijas, elektroinstalācijas, apgaismojums ārējais un iekštelpas, lietus noteku sistēmas, kondicionieris ar apsildi ziemas un vasaras režīmā, kvalitatīvi logi un durvis. Var piemērot kā tirdzniecības...
Modular houses12 m²1 rm.3 500 €14/03/2022Dobele - 14Apartment in Riga, Purvciems, 46 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Purvciems, Area: 46 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project, Built in: 1970 y.. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Unfinished, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten.
Purvciems46 м²1 floor2 rm.5 fl.47 300 €14/03/2022Ieriķu Iela 29, Purvciems, Riga - 6Apartment in Riga, Agenskalns, 25 м², 1 rm., 1 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Agenskalns, Area: 25 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 2 fl., Series: Pre-war building, Built in: 1909 y.. Description: Building type: Wood, Stove heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, pond, park.
Agenskalns25 м²1 floor1 rm.2 fl.34 500 €14/03/2022Abavas Iela 1, Agenskalns, Riga - House Riga district, Olaine, 3 rm..
I would buy House in Riga district, Olaine, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Communications: city water, electricity, city sewerage, local sewerage, well, borehole. Near: school, kindergarten. izskatis visus piedavajumus
Olaine3 rm.Buy14/03/2022Olaine - House Ventspils and district, - rm..
I would buy House in Ventspils and district, Number of rooms: - rm.. Communications: electricity.
Ventspils and district- rm.Buy12/03/2022Lielais Prospekts 74, Ventspils - 15House Liepaja and district, 200 m², 2 fl., 5 rm..
For sale House in Liepaja and district, House area: 200 m², Land area: 7930 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm., Built in: 2005 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 3, Number of bathrooms: 2, Building type: Wooden, Pellet boiler, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communication...
Liepaja and district200 m²2 fl.5 rm.7930 m²120 000 €11/03/2022Kāķišķe Gobzemji, Rucavas novads - 9Land property in Riga district, Jaunmarupe.
For sale land property in Riga district, Jaunmarupe, Land area: 3000 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Pārdodu līdzenu, taisnstūrveida zemes gabalu saulainā vietā privātmājas vai dvīņu mājas celtniecībai. Ja nepieciešams, zemes gabalu iespējams sadalīt diviem īpašniekiem. Ideāla atrašanās vieta, piebraukšana ...
Jaunmarupe3000 m²14 €/м²48 000 €09/03/2022Dzintara, Jaunmarupe - 8House Liepaja and district, 1450 m², 3 fl., 10 rm..
For sale House in Liepaja and district, House area: 1450 m², Land area: 941 m², Floors total: 3 fl., Number of rooms: 10 rm., Built in: 1 y.. Description: Building type: Other, Central heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt, city water, gas, electricity, city sewerage.
Liepaja and district1450 m²3 fl.10 rm.941 m²100 000 €08/03/2022Aldaru Iela 44, Liepaja - 8Apartment in Riga, Sarkandaugava, 20.7 м², 1 rm., 1 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Sarkandaugava, Area: 20.7 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 3 fl., Series: Pre-war building. Description: Building type: Other, Stove heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Unfurnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, river, park.
Sarkandaugava20.7 м²1 floor1 rm.3 fl.21 000 €04/03/2022Sīmaņa Iela 3a, Sarkandaugava, Riga - House Kraslava and district, 3 rm..
I would rent House in Kraslava and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Э-почту не смотрю. Звонить после 17:00.
Kraslava and district3 rm.100 €/m²03/03/2022 - 6House Riga district, Kadaga, 128 m², 2 fl., 4 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Kadaga, House area: 128 m², Land area: 1234 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 4 rm.. Description: Building type: Wooden, Electric heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished.
Kadaga128 m²2 fl.4 rm.1234 m²108 800 €03/03/2022Ziedlapas 1, Kadaga - House Madona and district.
I would buy House in Madona and district. Communications: electricity, well. Gimene nopirks maju Varaklanos vai apkartne izskatisim visus piedavajumus
Madona and district66 666 €28/02/2022Rezeknes Novads Dekšares Pagasts Dekšares Nakotnes, Varaklani - 15453 m² house, 2422 m² land, Bernatu street 8, Mezaparks, Riga, Latvia.
For sale two-storey stone house 453 m² land 2422 m². The house was reconstructed in 2000, architect M.Ezergaile. Beautifully manicured garden according to the project of landscape architect A.Kalnozola. On the first floor of the house there is a spacious living room with a fireplace from which there...
Mezaparks453 m²2 fl.6 rm.2422 m²850 000 €26/02/2022Bernātu Iela 8, Mezaparks, Riga