- Продажа
Продаю 2х ком квартиру с хорошем ремонтом. Квартира находиться на 3 этаже. Светлая, уютная, благоустроеная с мягкой энергетикой от куда не хочеться уходить. Планировка:Студия-ком ната совмещена с кухней. Прихожая. Изолированая спальня. Санузел совмещен. Балкон. В квартире сделана полная перепланиров...
Purvciems45 м²3 floor2 rm.5 fl.68 000 €12/09/2023Унияс 64, Purvciems, Riga - 10Apartment in Dobele and district, 54,3 м², 2 rm., 2 floor.
For sale an apartment in Dobele and district, Area: 54,3 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 3 fl., Series: 103 series. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, park, forest...
Dobele and district54.3 м²2 floor2 rm.3 fl.45 000 €12/09/2023Dainu Iela 6, Dobele - 11Apartment in Cesis and district, 46,4 м², 2 rm., 4 floor.
I would change an apartment in Cesis and district, Area: 46,4 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Special project, Built in: 1980 y.. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Furnished. Near: supermarket, school, kindergarten, playg...
Cesis and district46.4 м²4 floor2 rm.5 fl.22 500 €12/09/2023Maija 3, Liepa - House Ogre and district, 3 rm..
I would buy House in Ogre and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Communications: electricity, well, borehole, garage. Near: school.
Ogre and district3 rm.10 000 €11/09/2023Varpas 3, Taurupe - 3House Ogre and district, 50 m², 2 fl., 4 rm..
For sale House in Ogre and district, House area: 50 m², Land area: 498 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 4 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 3, Building type: Wooden, Stove heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, gas, electricity, city sewerage, ...
Ogre and district50 m²2 fl.4 rm.498 m²80 000 €11/09/2023Meža Prospekts 10 а, Ogre - 15Apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, 59 м², 3 rm., 2 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, Area: 59 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 2 fl., Series: Pre-war building. Description: Building type: Wood, Stove heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Furnished, school, kindergarten.
Vecmilgravis59 м²2 floor3 rm.2 fl.25 500 €11/09/2023Augusta Dombrovska Iela 7b, Vecmilgravis, Riga - 15Spaciousness in four rooms in the historical center of Riga
Exclusive spaciousness in a four-room apartment in the historical center of Riga, with modern communications and a sense of security - ready for living. The total area of the apartment is 171 m2, but it can be divided into two separate living areas, where the kitchen and the spacious living room are...
Center171 м²4 floor4 rm.6 fl.725 €/mon.11/09/2023Baznīcas Iela 35, Centrs, Riga - 15A new house in a scenic location
A new house in a scenic location, a 5-minute walk to the sea, with a well-thought-out layout. In the seaside village of Mežciems (Garciems), a new 200 m2 two-story house with high-quality white finish, comfortable cellar, on a tidy 690 m2 plot of land is offered for sale. The plan includes: On the 1...
Mezciems200 m²2 fl.5 rm.690 m²255 000 €11/09/2023Nogāzes Iela 12, Mezciems - 15A bright five-room apartment in the embrace of the parks of the center
A spacious, bright five-room apartment is offered for long-term rent in the very center of Riga, opposite the Academy of Arts, surrounded by parks in the center of Riga. The apartment is furnished with the most necessary, keeping to the Scandinavian minimalism, an apartment with high ceilings (3m), ...
Center127 м²5 floor5 rm.6 fl.1 200 €/mon.11/09/2023Kalpaka Bulvāris 10, Centrs, Riga - 12Apartment in Riga, Purvciems, 45 м², 2 rm., 3 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Purvciems, Area: 45 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project, Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, lake, forest.
Purvciems45 м²3 floor2 rm.5 fl.70 300 €11/09/2023Ūnijas Iela 64, Purvciems, Riga Premium listings
- 2Pārdod īpašumu ar mežu kopā
Pārdod īpašumu ar mežu kopā Jaukts, Zemes platība: 48.8 ha, 36.1 ha. Kadastra numurs ir 50760050049 Liepsalieši Līgo pagastā
Forest36.1 ha410 000 €10/09/2023Gulbenes novads - 11Apartment in Liepaja and district, 71 м², 4 rm., 4 floor.
For sale an apartment in Liepaja and district, Area: 71 м², Number of rooms: 4 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 5 fl.. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Partially furnished.
Liepaja and district71 м²4 floor4 rm.5 fl.69 000 €09/09/2023M.kempes M.kempes 7, Liepaja - House Valmiera and district, 3 rm..
I would rent House in Valmiera and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Communications: electricity, local sewerage, well. Labdien Gimene 6personu sastāvā loti steidzīgi mekle maju. Vai dzivokli. Izskatīsim visus piedāvājumus. Patik rušināties pa darzu un placīti kur berniem izskrieties Izkatisim visus...
Valmiera and district3 rm.250 €/mon.09/09/2023Linarda Laicena Iela, Valmiera - 4Land property in Riga district, Jaunolaine.
For sale land property in Riga district, Jaunolaine, Land area: 4331 m², with approved project, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity, city water, city sewerage. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, forest. Pārdodu divas zemes gabalus kopēja platība 4311m2 Apdūves gabal...
Jaunolaine4331 m²9.5 €/м²41 900 €09/09/2023Ālupes Iela 6, Jaunolaine - 12Apartment in Riga, Jugla, 45 м², 2 rm., 5 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Jugla, Area: 45 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Khrushchev time building. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, river, lake, pond, p...
Jugla45 м²5 floor2 rm.5 fl.38 000 €09/09/2023Silciema Iela 15 K-4, Jugla, Riga - 13Apartment in Riga, Kengarags, 37 м², 2 rm., 2 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Kengarags, Area: 37 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project, Built in: 1967 y.. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, riv...
Kengarags37 м²2 floor2 rm.5 fl.43 000 €08/09/2023Maskavas Iela 285/3, Kengarags, Riga - 10Apartment in Liepaja and district, 58 м², 3 rm., 1 floor.
For sale an apartment in Liepaja and district, Area: 58 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: Reconstructed. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: By agreement, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, park, fo...
Liepaja and district58 м²1 floor3 rm.9 fl.80 000 €08/09/2023Klaipēdas Iela 122, Liepaja - 7Apartment in Riga, Purvciems, 18 м², 1 rm., 4 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Purvciems, Area: 18 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 4 fl., Series: Small-family project. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, forest.
Purvciems18 м²4 floor1 rm.4 fl.170 €/mon.07/09/2023Burtnieku Iela 35, Purvciems, Riga - 1Garden 640 m².
For sale garden Land area: 640 m², Land in ownership, House area: 44 m², Drive way: Asphalt road. Additionally: Electricity, Borehole. Near: public transport, river.
Gardens44 m²640 m²50 000 €07/09/2023Dīķu Iela, Ogre - 8Apartment in Riga, Daugavgriva, 32 м², 1 rm., 5 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Daugavgriva, Area: 32 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: 103 series. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Partially furnished, sea, river.
Daugavgriva32 м²5 floor1 rm.5 fl.20 000 €07/09/2023Slimnīcas Iela 9, Daugavgriva, Riga - 15House Riga district, Saulkrasti, 150 m², 2 fl., 5 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Saulkrasti, House area: 150 m², Land area: 641 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm.. Description: Building type: Brick, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity, local sewerage. Pārdod sakoptu zemes gabal...
Saulkrasti150 m²2 fl.5 rm.641 m²80 000 €06/09/2023Vienpadsmita 10, Saulkrasti - 15House Riga district, Zvejniekciems, 120 m², 2 fl., 5 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Zvejniekciems, House area: 120 m², Land area: 670 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm.. Description: Building type: Other, Central heating, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity, local sewerage, bathhouse.
Zvejniekciems120 m²2 fl.5 rm.670 m²130 000 €06/09/2023Zemeņu 10, Zvejniekciems - 3Warehouse 120 м².
For rent warehouse Premises area: 120 м², Asphalt road. Tenta angāra īre ar izdevīgu atrašanās vietu. Piedāvājam uz īri 6m x 20m angāru - noliktavu, preču uzglabāšanai un saimnieciskajai darbībai. Angāra sāni nošūti ar ranilu. Durvju augstums 4.30m. Ir pieejams elektrības pieslēgums 3 fāzes, led apg...
Warehouses120 м²800 €/mon.06/09/2023Elektriķu Iela 10, Ventspils - 11Apartment in Tukums and district, 54.4 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.
For rent an apartment in Tukums and district, Area: 54.4 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 2 fl., Series: Khrushchev time building. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Unfurnished. Near: school.
Tukums and district54.4 м²1 floor2 rm.2 fl.170 €/mon.05/09/2023Ziedoņa 9a - 6, Tume