- Apartment in Kraslava and district, 58 м², 3 rm., 1 floor.
For sale an apartment in Kraslava and district, Area: 58 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 1 fl., Series: 467 series, Built in: 1984 y., Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Partially furnished. Near: supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, lake, ...
Kraslava and district58 м²1 floor3 rm.1 fl.16 000 €14/04/2024Аронсона 4, Kraslava - 2Garāža
Īpašnieks pārdod garāžu koperatīvā 'Lada' , ir pieslēgta elektrība, bedre, f25 bloks.
Daugavpils3 600 €13/04/202418. Novembra Iela 212, Daugavpils - 14Balvu māja
Īpašnieks bez starpniekiem pārdod māju Balvos. Piedāvājam māju, kas celta 1997. gadā un labiekārtota, lai nodrošinātu visu nepieciešamo komfortu. Ir nomainīti visi logi, ielikts jauns granulu katls. Teritorijā ir savs dīķis un pirtiņa. Liels malkas šķūnis, kuru var pielāgot atpūtas telpai. Pagrabstā...
Balvi and district164 m²2 fl.5 rm.2200 m²115 000 €13/04/2024Skolas Iela 12a, Balvi - Garden 300 m².
For sale garden Land area: 300 m², House area: 20 m², Drive way: Dirt road. Additionally: Greenhouse, Electricity, Borehole. Near: public transport, forest, sea, lake. Papidus informacija pa talruni
Gardens20 m²300 m²10 000 €13/04/2024Aveņu 22, Riga - 3House Ludza and district, 40 m², 1 fl., 3 rm..
For sale House in Ludza and district, House area: 40 m², Land area: 7000 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Description: Building type: Wooden, Stove heating, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Near: supermarket, lake, forest.
Ludza and district40 m²1 fl.3 rm.7000 m²12 000 €13/04/2024Putrenieki, Ludza - 2Land property in Ventspils and district.
For sale land property in Ventspils and district, Land area: 1.586 ha, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity. Near: sea, forest. Pārdod ekskluzīvu zemes īpašumu Ventspilī,(privātmāju apbūvei un komercdarbībai)Zemes platība: 1.586 ha, Piebraucamais ceļš: Asfaltēts. Stavvieta automašīnām,Kom...
Ventspils and district1.586 ha77 000 €13/04/2024Selgas 29, Ventspils - 15498 m² house, 3397 m² land, Skuju street 12, Priedkalne.
For Sale a three-storey house 498 m², land 3397 m². The house has 7 levels, it is built of expanded clay blocks, insulated with polystyrene, roof tile, was put into operation in 2000. The house has gas heating (Junker boiler), water - borehole 38 meters, electricity 3 phases, sewerage city, alarm sy...
Priedkalne498 m²3 fl.8 rm.3397 m²550 000 €12/04/2024Skuju Iela 12, Priedkalne - 9Apartment in Riga, Center, 50 м², 2 rm., 3 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Pre-war building. Description: Building type: Masonry, Gas boiler, Full, Full, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, park.
Center50 м²3 floor2 rm.5 fl.250 €/mon.12/04/2024Lienes Iela 9, Centrs, Riga - 15House Jurmala, Lielupe, 550 m², 2 fl., 8 rm..
For rent House in Jurmala, Lielupe, House area: 550 m², Land area: 1800 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 8 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 6, Number of bathrooms: 8, Building type: Other, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, gas, electrici...
Lielupe550 m²2 fl.8 rm.1800 m²3 500 €/mon.12/04/2024Meža Prospekts 91, Lielupe, Jurmala - 11Apartment in Riga district, Dzidrinas, 105 м², 4 rm., 2 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga district, Dzidrinas, Area: 105 м², Number of rooms: 4 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 2 fl., Series: Special project, Built in: 2011 y.. Description: Building type: Masonry, Stove heating, Full, Finished furnish, Furnishing: By agreement, fireplace, school, kindergarten,...
Dzidrinas105 м²2 floor4 rm.2 fl.137 900 €12/04/2024Rietumu Iela 30, Dzidrinas Premium listings
- 12Apartment in Riga, Kengarags, 36 м², 1 rm., 1 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Kengarags, Area: 36 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 12 fl., Series: Czech project. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, river.
Kengarags36 м²1 floor1 rm.12 fl.300 €/mon.12/04/2024Kaņiera Iela 12, Kengarags, Riga - 1Apartment in Riga district, Ulbroka, 34 м², 1 rm., 3 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga district, Ulbroka, Area: 34 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Partially furnished. Near: supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, lak...
Ulbroka34 м²3 floor1 rm.5 fl.200 €/mon.12/04/2024Institūta Iela 34, Ulbroka - 4Apartment in Riga, Center, 21 м², 1 rm., 5 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 21 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Pre-war building, Built in: 1912 y.. Description: Building type: Masonry, Stove heating, Partial, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Partially furnished, kindergarten, playground, park.
Center21 м²5 floor1 rm.5 fl.180 €/mon.12/04/2024Klusā Iela 21, Centrs, Riga - 7Apartment in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, 79 м², 3 rm., 9 floor.
For sale an apartment in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, Area: 79 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 9 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: 602 series. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Partially furnished. Near: supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, par...
Jaunbuve79 м²9 floor3 rm.9 fl.52 000 €12/04/2024Tukuma Iela 38, Daugavpils - 4Apartment in Riga, Kipsala, 50 м², 2 rm., 3 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Kipsala, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 4 fl., Series: Special project, Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Finished furnish, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, river, park.
Kipsala50 м²3 floor2 rm.4 fl.700 €/mon.12/04/2024Ķīpsalas Iela 4, Kipsala, Riga - Apartment in Jelgava and district, 36 м², 1 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Jelgava and district, Area: 36 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm..
Jelgava and district36 м²1 rm.150 €/mon.12/04/2024Ozolnieki - 1Apartment in Daugavpils district, 29 м², 1 rm., 5 floor.
For sale an apartment in Daugavpils district, Area: 29 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: 467 series, Built in: 1983 y.. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground.
Daugavpils district29 м²5 floor1 rm.5 fl.10 000 €11/04/2024Tartu Iela 3, Daugavpils - 7Apartment in Riga, Center, 60 м², 3 rm., 2 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 60 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: New building, Built in: 2023 y.. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Finished furnish, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground...
Center60 м²2 floor3 rm.5 fl.650 €/mon.11/04/2024Lastādijas 35, Centrs, Riga - 15Apartment in Riga, Center, 199 м², 5 rm., 2 floor
Latvia, Riga, Ausekla street. Front building, renovated building, well-maintained greened plot of land, possibility to rent a parking place, luxury apartments 186 m2, windows are located on both sides of the building, bedrooms 3 piece/es, living room, studio-type kitchen combined with living room, w...
Center199 м²2 floor5 rm.5 fl.1 200 €/mon.11/04/2024Ausekļa Iela, Centrs, Riga - 12Apartment in Riga, Center, 120 м², 3 rm., 3 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 120 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 3 fl., Series: New building. Description: Building type: Wood, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Unfurnished. Pārdodu renovētā mājā mansarda 3istabu dzīvokli ar terasi Miera ielā 87. Dzīvokl...
Center120 м²3 floor3 rm.3 fl.199 000 €11/04/2024Miera Iela 87, Centrs, Riga - 10House 80 m², 1 fl., 3 rm..
For sale House in House area: 80 m², Land area: 1100 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm., Built in: 1990 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 3, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Brick, Pellet boiler, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, electrici...
Homes abroad80 m²1 fl.3 rm.1100 m²3 000 €11/04/2024покровка 15, рубцовск, Russia - 4Land property in Tukums and district.
For sale land property in Tukums and district. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, sea, lake, forest, park.
Tukums and district1282 m²22 €/м²28 204 €10/04/2024Raudas Iela 39a, Tukums - 1Garage 11111 m².
For sale garage Area of garage: 11111 m², Electricity, Floor type: Wood, Gate: Wooden.
Rīga50 000 €10/04/2024Kengarags, Riga - 15Сдаёться квартира посуточно
Посуточная аренда квартиры в Даугавпилсе по адресу Страднеку 83. 20 евро сутки. Ikdienas īres dzīvoklis Daugavpilī, Stradnieku ielā 83. 20 eiro dienā.
Jaunbuve29 м²1 floor1 rm.5 fl.20.00 €/day10/04/2024Stradnieku Iela 83, Daugavpils