- 15Apartment in Riga, Sampeteris, 58 м², 3 rm., 5 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Sampeteris, Area: 58 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Special project, Built in: 1965 y.. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: By agreement, supermarket, school, kindergarten.
Sampeteris58 м²5 floor3 rm.5 fl.68 000 €10/02/2021Zalves 44a, Šampēteris, Riga - 9Apartment in Riga, Center, 53 м², 2 rm., 2 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 53 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 7 fl., Series: Reconstructed. Description: Building type: Masonry, Central heating, Partial, Full, Furnishing: Unfurnished, school, kindergarten, playground, park.
Center53 м²2 floor2 rm.7 fl.330 €/mon.09/02/2021Brīvības Iela 108a, Centrs, Riga - 15House Tukums and district, 500 m², 3 fl., 16 rm..
For sale House in Tukums and district, House area: 500 m², Land area: 1206 m², Floors total: 3 fl., Number of rooms: 16 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 5, Number of bathrooms: 4, Building type: Brick, Pellet boiler, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity...
Tukums and district500 m²3 fl.16 rm.1206 m²250 000 €08/02/2021Juras, Ragaciems - 8Apartment in Liepaja and district, 42 м², 3 rm., 4 floor.
For sale an apartment in Liepaja and district, Area: 42 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 4 fl., Series: Khrushchev time building. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, park.
Liepaja and district42 м²4 floor3 rm.4 fl.27 500 €07/02/2021Strazdu Iela 14, Liepaja - 10Apartment in Riga, Ciekurkalns, 50,50 м², 2 rm., 2 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Ciekurkalns, Area: 50,50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: Special project, Built in: 1985 y.. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kinde...
Ciekurkalns50.50 м²2 floor2 rm.9 fl.250 €/mon.07/02/2021Čiekurkalna 4. šķ. Līnija 17, Ciekurkalns, Riga - Apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, 3 rm..
I would buy an apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Покупаю квартиру в Риге, Вецмилгрависе, Количество комнат: 3 или 4 комн..Первый и последний этаж не предлагать.
Vecmilgravis3 rm.Buy06/02/2021Vecmilgravis, Riga - 8Mall: rent only €0.90 / m²
Entrepreneur, choose a place in the geographical center of Latvia, in Aizkraukle! Halfway between Rīga and Daugavpils, Bauska and Rēzekne. In the Arėna business center, you can independently determine the opening hours of your store. Consider the rental conditions acceptable for you. We will support...
Shops2200 m²1 fl.4 fl.0.90 €/m²06/02/2021Gaismas Iela 20A, Aizkraukle - 8Spaces 32 м², 1 fl..
For rent spaces Premises area: 32 м², Floor: 1 fl., Building height: 5 fl.. Communications: Electricity, City water, City sewerage.
Spaces32 м²1 fl.5 fl.266 €/mon.05/02/2021Elijas Iela 20, Riga - 1Apartment in Daugavpils, Center, 26 м², 1 rm., 5 floor.
For sale an apartment in Daugavpils, Center, Area: 26 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Khrushchev time building, Built in: 1969 y.. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Unfurnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playgrou...
Center26 м²5 floor1 rm.5 fl.10 900 €05/02/2021Alejas Iela 61, Centrs, Daugavpils - 2Garage 18 m².
For rent garage Area of garage: 18 m², Electricity, Floor type: Bitonated, Gate: Wooden. Piedāvāju izīrēt garāžu kooperatīvā, kur ir gan dzīvā apsardze gan arī video novērošana. Garāžā ir plaukti un atvilknes lietu glabāšanai. Nav bedres, bet kooperatīvā ir pieeja divām estakādēm, ja nu ir vēlme pas...
Rīga60 €/mon.04/02/2021Dzelzavas Iela, Purvciems, Riga Premium listings
- 2Land property in Jelgava and district.
For sale land property in Jelgava and district, Land area: 650 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity, well. Near: river.
Jelgava and district650 m²21.54 €/м²14 000 €03/02/2021Ozolnieki - Apartment in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, 1 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, Number of rooms: 1 rm.. Vēlos īrēt dzīvokli ar visām ertībām Daugavpilī, Jaunbūvē,vai Centrs Istabu skaits: 1-2 ist. Var uzreiz sūtīt bildes uz whatsap, vai zvanīt. Izskatīsu visus variantus.
Jaunbuve1 rm.Rent02/02/2021Daugavpils - 1House Daugavpils district, 100 m², 2 fl., 3 rm..
For sale House in Daugavpils district, House area: 100 m², Land area: 30834 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Description: Building type: Brick, No heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity, well. Near: river, lake, pond.
Daugavpils district100 m²2 fl.3 rm.30834 m²20 000 €02/02/2021Liksnas Liksnas Pag, Daugavpils Novads - Apartment in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, 60 м², 2 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, Area: 60 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., fireplace, air conditioner, supermarket, kindergarten, playground.
Jaunbuve60 м²2 rm.300 €/mon.30/01/2021Daugavpils - Summer cottage .
I would buy summer cottages. Communications: city water, gas, electricity, city sewerage, local sewerage, well, borehole. Pērk vasarnīcu ar elektrības pieslēgumu.
Summer cottagesBuy30/01/2021Rīgas Rajons - 5Apartment in Daugavpils, Kimija, 32 м², 1 rm., 3 floor.
For rent an apartment in Daugavpils, Kimija, Area: 32 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Small-family project, Built in: 1980 y.. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, pond, park, forest.
Kimija32 м²3 floor1 rm.5 fl.100 €/mon.29/01/2021Mendeļejeva Iela, Daugavpils - 1Apartment in Riga, Agenskalns, 30.49 м², 1 rm., 3 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Agenskalns, Area: 30.49 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Khrushchev time building, Built in: 1968 y.. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: By agreement, supermarket, river, park.
Agenskalns30.49 м²3 floor1 rm.5 fl.35 900 €28/01/2021Kalnciema Iela 1, Agenskalns, Riga - 7Apartment in Riga, Purvciems, 50 м², 2 rm., 2 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Purvciems, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 2 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, forest...
Purvciems50 м²2 floor2 rm.5 fl.260 €/mon.25/01/2021Andromedas Gatve 5, Purvciems, Riga - 10Apartment in Riga, Center, 38 м², 1 rm., 3 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 38 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: Reconstructed. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, kindergarten, park.
Center38 м²3 floor1 rm.9 fl.220 €/mon.25/01/2021Klusā Iela 20, Centrs, Riga - Apartment in Talsi and district, 2 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Talsi and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Izskatīšu visus piedāvājumus.
Talsi and district2 rm.Rent22/01/2021Celtnieku Iela 8-20, Talsi - 10Apartment in Aluksne and district, 55.7 м², 2 rm., 5 floor.
For sale an apartment in Aluksne and district, Area: 55.7 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Khrushchev time building, Built in: 1984 y.. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Unfurnished. Nomainīti logi un radiatori. Darba laik...
Aluksne and district55.7 м²5 floor2 rm.5 fl.10 000 €21/01/2021Apes Iela 12, Aluksne - Garage .
I would buy garage . Nopirkšu garāžu Ulbroka, īpašuma ierakstīšana zemesgrāmatā ir obligāta.
Rīga districtBuy17/01/2021 - 15House Riga district, Acone, 163 m², 3 fl., 5 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Acone, House area: 163 m², Land area: 677 m², Floors total: 3 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 5, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Block, Pellet boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Grant, electricity, local sewerage, well, bor...
Acone163 m²3 fl.5 rm.677 m²80 000 €07/01/2021Rukisi 99, 99, Acone - 11House Riga district, Acone, 163 m², 3 fl., 5 rm..
For sale House in Riga district, Acone, House area: 163 m², Land area: 677 m², Floors total: 3 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 3, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Block, Pellet boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Grant, electricity, local sewerage, well, bor...
Acone163 m²2 fl.5 rm.677 m²80 000 €07/01/2021Rukisi 99, Salaspils Novads. Salaspils Pagasts, Acone