- 11Apartment in Daugavpils, Jauna Forstate, 60 м², 3 rm., 4 floor.
For rent an apartment in Daugavpils, Jauna Forstate, Area: 60 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: 103 series. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Unfurnished. Near: supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, forest.
Jauna Forstate60 м²4 floor3 rm.5 fl.160 €/mon.20/06/2022Тарту 15, Новый Форштадт, Daugavpils - Apartment in Liepaja and district, 3 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Liepaja and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm., fireplace, air conditioner. Near: school.
Liepaja and district3 rm.250 €/mon.20/06/2022 - Apartment in Riga, Old town, 100 м², 4 rm., 4 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Old town, Area: 100 м², Number of rooms: 4 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Pre-war building, Built in: 1903 y.. Description: Building type: Masonry, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Furnished, fireplace, supermarket, school, kindergarten...
Old town100 м²4 floor4 rm.5 fl.850 €/mon.19/06/2022Zirgu Iela 3, Vecriga, Riga - 11House Talsi and district, 117 m², 1 fl., 4 rm..
For sale House in Talsi and district, House area: 117 m², Land area: 9000 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 4 rm., Built in: 1957 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 4, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Other, Stove heating, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Country road. Com...
Talsi and district117 m²1 fl.4 rm.9000 m²70 000 €19/06/2022Vandzenes Pagasts, Talsi Un Nov - Apartment in Saldus and district, 50 м², 1 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Saldus and district, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm.. Near: kindergarten.
Saldus and district30 м²1 rm.170 €/mon.18/06/2022Saldus - 12Apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, 50 м², 2 rm., 3 floor.
an apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis.
Vecmilgravis50 м²3 floor2 rm.9 fl.50 000 €18/06/2022Kalngales Iela 1, Vecmilgravis, Riga - 12Apartment in Riga, Imanta, 67 м², 3 rm., 3 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Imanta, Area: 67 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: By agreement, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground.
Imanta67 м²3 floor3 rm.5 fl.58 000 €18/06/2022Slokas Iela Slokas Iela 195, Imanta, Riga - Land property in Riga, Vecaki.
For sale land property in Riga, Vecaki, Land area: 4067 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: gas, electricity, city water, city sewerage. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, river, lake, forest, park.
Vecaki4067 m²199 €/м²809 333 €18/06/2022Garciema Iela 15, Vecaki, Riga - 2Garage 18 m².
For rent garage Area of garage: 18 m², Electricity, Floor type: Bitonated, Gate: Metal. Izīrē garāžu uz ilgu laiku, Purvciemā, Lielvārdes iela 136. Kooperatīvs Purvciems-4. Apsargājama teritorija. Sauss, jumts netek, tikko pēc kosmetiska remonta. Ir elektrība, apgaismojums, plaukti, metāla durvis, p...
Rīga90 €/mon.18/06/2022Lielvardes Iela 136, Purvciems, Riga - 15Apartment in Riga, Ziepniekkalns, 89 м², 4 rm., 8 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Ziepniekkalns, Area: 89 м², Number of rooms: 4 rm., 8 floor, Building height: 10 fl., Series: 119 series. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground.
Ziepniekkalns89 м²8 floor4 rm.10 fl.90 000 €18/06/2022Īslīces Iela 1, Ziepniekkalns, Riga Premium listings
- 3Building 430 м².
For sale building Premises area: 430 м², Land area: 1055 м², Building height: 2 fl., Building type: Brick-Panel. Communications: Electricity, City water, City sewerage. Pārdod komercobjektu Mārcienā (Madonas novads) biznesa attīstīšanai, dzīvokļu iekārtošanai, viesu mājas iekārtošanai, tirdzniecības...
Buildings430 м²2 fl.1055 м²35 000 €17/06/2022Marciena - 12Modular house 28 m², 2 rm..
For sale modular house 28 m², Number of rooms: 2 rm., Terraces area m2: 15.5. Koka karkasa māja pieejama jau šodien. Mājā ir 2 istabas. Viena istaba izolēta, kalpos kā guļamistaba. Otra kopā ar virtuvi, kas ir aprīkota ar virtuves iekārtu (izlietne, indukcijas plīts, nosūcējs, virtuves skapīši). Van...
Modular houses28 m²2 rm.24 165 €17/06/2022Rīgas Rajons - Apartment in Aizkraukle and district, 60 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.
I would change an apartment in Aizkraukle and district, Area: 60 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 2 fl., Series: Pre-war building. Description: Building type: Wood, Stove heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, playground, river, park.
Aizkraukle and district60 м²1 floor2 rm.2 fl.6 000 €17/06/2022Jelgavas Iela 20, Jaunelgava - Apartment in Tukums and district, 45 м², 2 rm., 3 floor.
For sale an apartment in Tukums and district, Area: 45 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 3 fl., Series: Special project. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: By agreement, school, kindergarten, playground, lake.
Tukums and district45 м²3 floor2 rm.3 fl.23 500 €17/06/2022Centra, Slampe - Apartment in Riga, Purvciems, 32.1 м², 1 rm., 4 floor.
For sale an apartment in Riga, Purvciems, Area: 32.1 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: 103 series, Built in: 2002 y.. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, None, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten.
Purvciems32.1 м²4 floor1 rm.5 fl.35 000 €15/06/2022Stirnu 19A, Purvciems, Riga - Apartment in Tukums and district, 2 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Tukums and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Near: kindergarten. Vēlas īrēt dzīvokli Kandavā, Istabu skaits: 2 ist.. būtu forši malkas apkure,vēlams ūdens iekšā.
Tukums and district2 rm.100 €/mon.15/06/2022Kandava - House Riga district, - rm..
I would buy House in Riga district, Number of rooms: - rm.. Communications: city water, gas, electricity, city sewerage, local sewerage, well. желателен небольшой по площади
Cits- rm.130 000 €15/06/2022 - Apartment in Talsi and district, 2 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Talsi and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Par saprātīgu cenu ar malkas apkuri, vai dzīvokli. Izskatīšu visus piedāvājumus.
Talsi and district2 rm.100 €/mon.15/06/2022Talsi - Apartment in Ogre and district, 1 rm..
I would rent an apartment in Ogre and district, Number of rooms: 1 rm..
Ogre and district1 rm.100 €/mon.15/06/2022Ogres - 3Apartment in Jurmala, Kauguri, 49 м², 2 rm., 5 floor.
For rent an apartment in Jurmala, Kauguri, Area: 49 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: 467 series. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Unfinished, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, forest.
Kauguri49 м²5 floor2 rm.9 fl.350 €/mon.14/06/2022Skolas Iela 34, Kauguri, Jurmala - 3Apartment in Rezekne and district, 40 м², 2 rm., 3 floor.
For sale an apartment in Rezekne and district, Area: 40 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Khrushchev time building. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Good condition, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, lake, park.
Rezekne and district40 м²3 floor2 rm.5 fl.23 500 €14/06/2022Atbrīvošanas Aleja 101, Rezekne - 9Apartment in Riga, Center, 87 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.
For rent an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 87 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 4 fl., Series: Pre-war building, Built in: 1903 y.. Description: Building type: Masonry, Central heating, Full, Full, Furnishing: Furnished, fireplace, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground.
Center87 м²1 floor2 rm.4 fl.700 €/mon.14/06/2022Brīvdabas Iela 118, Centrs, Riga - 6House Jekabpils and district, 179 m², 1 fl., 7 rm..
For sale House in Jekabpils and district, House area: 179 m², Land area: 1003 m², Floors total: 1 fl., Number of rooms: 7 rm.. Description: Building type: Wooden, Stove heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, electricity, city sewerage, supermarket, school, ...
Jekabpils and district179 m²1 fl.7 rm.1003 m²20 000 €14/06/2022Skolas Iela 17, Akniste - House Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, 95 m², 2 fl., 3 rm..
For sale House in Daugavpils, Jaunbuve, House area: 95 m², Land area: 510 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Description: Building type: Other, Stove heating, Furnishing: Unfurnished. Communications: city water, electricity, local sewerage. Near: school, kindergarten.
Jaunbuve95 m²2 fl.3 rm.510 m²42 000 €14/06/2022Lielā Dārza Iela 14, Jaunbūve, Daugavpils