• 2
    Apartment in Riga, Center, 35 м², 1 rm., 3 floor. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Riga, Center, 35 м², 1 rm., 3 floor.

    For sale an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 35 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 3 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Stalin time building. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, river, park.

    Center35 м²3 floor1 rm.5 fl.
    60 000 €23/04/2023Kurbada Iela 5, Centrs, Riga
  • Apartment in Ventspils and district, 50 м², 2 rm., 1 floor. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Ventspils and district, 50 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.

    For sale an apartment in Ventspils and district, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 2 fl., Series: 119 series. Description: Building type: Brick, Stove heating, Partial, Good condition, Furnishing: Partially furnished.

    Ventspils and district50 м²1 floor2 rm.2 fl.
    15 000 €23/04/2023Lagzdas 2, Ventspils
  • 5
    Factory 30102 м². - MM.LV
    Factory 30102 м².

    For sale factory Premises area: 30102 м², Asphalt road. Продаю производственный объект. Территория 3,102 га земли, где расположены 2 металлических круглых ангара ( 30 х 15 х 9 м ) - площадь одного ангара - 450 м2. и 2 помещения, а так же своя электроподстанция мощностью 400 кВч. Территория огорожена...

    Factories30102 м²
    215 000 €22/04/2023Прогреса 12, Тетеле
  • House Riga district, Olaine, 4 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Olaine, 4 rm..

    I would buy House in Riga district, Olaine, Number of rooms: 4 rm.. Communications: city water, electricity, city sewerage, local sewerage, well, borehole, terrace, school, kindergarten.

    Olaine4 rm.
    1 000 000 €21/04/2023Olaine
  • Apartment in Bauska and district, 3 м², 1 rm., 4 floor. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Bauska and district, 3 м², 1 rm., 4 floor.

    For rent an apartment in Bauska and district, Area: 3 м², Number of rooms: 1 rm., 4 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project, Built in: 1982. y.. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Partially furnished. Near: supermarket, kindergarten, pla...

    Bauska and district3 м²4 floor1 rm.5 fl.
    180 €/mon.21/04/2023Dārza 5, Bauska
  • 1
    Apartment in Riga district, Salaspils, 53.8 м², 2 rm., 1 floor. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Riga district, Salaspils, 53.8 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.

    For rent an apartment in Riga district, Salaspils, Area: 53.8 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: 104 series, Built in: 1989 y.. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, ...

    Salaspils53.8 м²1 floor2 rm.5 fl.
    200 €/mon.21/04/2023Dienvidu 9, Salaspils
  • House Riga district, Garkalne. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Garkalne.

    I would buy House in Riga district, Garkalne, fireplace, air conditioner.

  • House Riga district, Saulkrasti. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Saulkrasti.

    I would buy House in Riga district, Saulkrasti, fireplace, air conditioner.

  • House Riga district, Bukulti. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Bukulti.

    I would buy House in Riga district, Bukulti. Ģimene vēlas iegādāties māju pierīgā uz nomaksu uz 10 gadiem. Varam maksāt līdz 500 EUR mēnesī. Māja var būt neremontēta, bet apdzīvojama. Vēlams piemājas zemes gabals ar platību vismaz 1200 m2.

  • Apartment in 43 м², 2 rm., 1 floor. - MM.LV
    Apartment in 43 м², 2 rm., 1 floor.

    For rent an apartment in Area: 43 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 1 floor, Building height: 3 fl., Series: Stalin time building. Description: Building type: Brick, Central heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, park.

    Apartments abroad43 м²1 floor2 rm.3 fl.
    500 €/mon.21/04/2023Jachmannstr. 15, Kiel, Germany
  • Premium listings
    • House Bauska and district, 138 m², 2 fl., 5 rm.. - MM.LVPremium
      House Bauska and district, 138 m², 2 fl., 5 rm..

      For sale House in Bauska and district, House area: 138 m², Land area: 4000 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 5 rm., Built in: 2008 y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 4, Number of bathrooms: 1, Building type: Block, Central heating, Furnishing: Partially furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Commu...

      Bauska and district138 m²2 fl.5 rm.4000 m²
      115 000 €
      02/02/2025Uzkalni 000, Bauska
  • Apartment in Aluksne and district, 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Aluksne and district, 3 rm..

    I would buy an apartment in Aluksne and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. steudzami

    Aluksne and district3 rm.
  • Apartment in Riga, Old town, 150 м², 4 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Riga, Old town, 150 м², 4 rm..

    I would buy an apartment in Riga, Old town, Area: 150 м², Number of rooms: 4 rm.. Near: supermarket. Покупаю квартиру в Риге, Вецриге, Площадь: 150 м², Количество комнат: 4 комн.. Поблизости: Nekustamie īpašumi > Dzīvokļi > Rīga > centrs > Pērk Срочно куплю квартиру в Риге. Обещаю рассмо...

    Old town150 м²4 rm.
    200 000 €21/04/2023Vecriga, Riga
  • 14
    Apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, 51 м², 2 rm., 5 floor. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, 51 м², 2 rm., 5 floor.

    For sale an apartment in Riga, Vecmilgravis, Area: 51 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 5 fl., Series: Lithuanian project. Description: Building type: Panel, Central heating, Full, Good condition, Furnishing: Furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten.

    Vecmilgravis51 м²5 floor2 rm.5 fl.
    42 000 €20/04/2023Vecmīlgrāvja 1.līnija 45, Vecmilgravis, Riga
  • Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Kuldiga and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Ģimene ar stabiliem ienākumiem, bez kaitīgiem ieradumiem, bez mājdzīvniekiem

    Kuldiga and district2 rm.
  • 1
    Land property in Bauska and district. - MM.LV
    Land property in Bauska and district.

    For sale land property in Bauska and district, Land area: 9 ha, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Zeme pārdošanai. 9.04 ha. Viens gabals. Iebraukšana no ceļa V1012 Zvirgzde - Misa. Lauksaimniecības zeme - 6 ha, mežs - 1 ha. Elektrība. Продается земля. 9.04 га. Один кусок. Заезд с дороги...

    Bauska and district9 ha
    96 000 €20/04/2023Zvirgzde, Misa
  • 14
    House Riga district, Olaine, 70 m², 2 fl., 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga district, Olaine, 70 m², 2 fl., 2 rm..

    For sale House in Riga district, Olaine, House area: 70 m², Land area: 760 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Description: Building type: Other, Stove heating, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity, supermarket.

    Olaine70 m²2 fl.2 rm.760 m²
    65 500 €20/04/2023Lībietis 1, Olaine
  • 15
    House Riga, 330 m², 2 fl., 7 rm.. - MM.LV
    House Riga, 330 m², 2 fl., 7 rm..

    For sale House in Riga, House area: 330 m², Land area: 1300 m², Floors total: 2 fl., Number of rooms: 7 rm., Built in: 2010. y.. Description: Number of bedrooms: 5, Number of bathrooms: 3, Building type: Block, Gas boiler, Furnishing: Furnished, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: city water, gas, e...

    Other330 m²2 fl.7 rm.1300 m²
    345 000 €20/04/2023Dravnieku Iela 2, Spilve, Riga
  • 15
    Apartment in Riga, Plavnieki, 63 м², 3 rm., 5 floor. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Riga, Plavnieki, 63 м², 3 rm., 5 floor.

    For sale an apartment in Riga, Plavnieki, Area: 63 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm., 5 floor, Building height: 9 fl., Series: 602 series. Description: Building type: Brick-Panel, Central heating, Full, Cosmetic, Furnishing: Partially furnished, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground.

    Plavnieki63 м²5 floor3 rm.9 fl.
    72 000 €20/04/2023Akadēmijas Laukums 10, Plavnieki, Riga
  • 11
    Bathhouse . - MM.LV
    Bathhouse .

    bathhouse For sale, 9, 1, 2, Other. Продается готовая к применению каркасная утепленная баня с террасой. Баня строилась в цеху по типовому архитектурному проекту. Проект бани был сконструирован таким образом, чтобы максимально продлить срок службы эксплуатации. Слабые элементы в данной бани легко вз...

    19/04/2023Centrs, Daugavpils
  • Apartment in Cesis and district, 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Cesis and district, 3 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Cesis and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Ģimene (2 pieaugušie un 1 mazais) meklē īrei dzīvokli vai nelielu māju: 2-3 istabas; līdz 380€ (cena runājama); Cēsīs un to apkārtnē. Ievākšanās laiks - sākot ar maija vidu, jūniju.

    Cesis and district3 rm.
    380 €/mon.19/04/2023
  • 5
    Modulārā māja Boston 35 m2 - MM.LV
    Modulārā māja Boston 35 m2

    External dimensions: 3,6 m (width); 10,1 m (length); 3,70 m (height). Frame: dry calibrated beam, treated with bioprotection. Insulation: basalt wool (150 mm walls, 200 mm ceiling and floor). Electrical wiring: copper. Floor covering: laminatetiles. Windows: two-chamber metalplastic, laminated. Exte...

    Bergi35 m²1 fl.1 rm.35 m²
    33 250 €19/04/2023Dobeles Iela, Bergi, Riga
  • 4
    Modulārā māja Toscana 35 m2 - MM.LV
    Modulārā māja Toscana 35 m2

    External dimensions: 3.4 m (width); 10.29 m (length); 3.3 m (height). Frame: dry calibrated beam, treated with biosecurity. Insulation: basalt wool (150 mm walls, 200 mm ceiling and floor). Wiring: copper. Floor and wall coverings in the bathroom: tile. Windows: two-chamber metalplastic, laminated. ...

    Bierini35 m²1 fl.1 rm.35 m²
    25 500 €19/04/2023Ārlavas Iela, Bierini, Riga
  • 3
    Modulārā māja Washington 72 m2 - MM.LV
    Modulārā māja Washington 72 m2

    External dimensions: 6,8 m (width); 10.58 m (length); 3.2 m (height). Roof: shed. Frame: dry calibrated timber treated with bio-solute. Insulation: basalt wool (150 mm walls, 200 mm ceiling and floor). Wiring: copper. Floor covering: laminate/semi-industrial linoleum. Bathroom floor covering: indust...

    Bolderaja72 m²1 fl.3 rm.72 m²
    52 200 €19/04/2023Aveņu Iela, Bolderaja, Riga
  • 6
    Modulārā māja Capri 51 m2 - MM.LV
    Modulārā māja Capri 51 m2

    External dimensions: 6.8 m (width); 7.5 m (length); 3.3 m (height). Frame: dry calibrated timber treated with bio-solute. Insulation: basalt wool (150 mm walls, 200 mm ceiling and floor). Wiring: copper. Floor covering: laminate / semi-industrial linoleum. Floor covering in the bathroom: semi-indust...

    Old town51 m²1 fl.3 rm.51 m²
    41 100 €19/04/2023Baraviku Iela, Vecriga, Riga