- 1Land property in Bauska and district.
For sale land property in Bauska and district, Land area: 13.20 ha, Drive way: Country road. Pārdodu lauksaimniecībā izmantojamo zemi 11.4 ha un 1 ha mežs, 0, 8 ha pārējā zeme. Šī brīža stāvoklis - daļējs apaugums, jāveic rekultivācija.
Bauska and district13.20 ha99 000 €04/10/2023Ozolāji, Iecava - 1Land property in Bauska and district.
For sale land property in Bauska and district, Land area: 9 ha, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Zeme pārdošanai. 9.04 ha. Viens gabals. Iebraukšana no ceļa V1012 Zvirgzde - Misa. Lauksaimniecības zeme - 6 ha, mežs - 1 ha. Elektrība. Продается земля. 9.04 га. Один кусок. Заезд с дороги...
Bauska and district9 ha96 000 €20/04/2023Zvirgzde, Misa - 9Land property in Bauska and district.
For sale land property in Bauska and district, Land area: 3136 m², Drive way: Grant. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, river, forest, park. Pārdod zemes nekustamo īpašumu ar kopējo platību 0.3136 ha Iecavas pilsētas teritorijā, klusā un skaistā vietā pie meža. Id...
Bauska and district3136 m²6.95 €/м²21 795 €13/01/2023Sudraba Iela Sudrabi, Iecava
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Results from other categories
Land property Riga Plavnieki
- 3Land property in Riga, Plavnieki.
For sale land property in Riga, Plavnieki, Land area: 2078 m², with approved project, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: gas, electricity, city water, city sewerage. Near: supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, forest.
Plavnieki2078 m²160000 €/м²160 000 €03/06/2022Tīnūžu Iela 9, Plavnieki, Riga
Land property Riga Bolderaja
- Land property in Riga, Bolderaja.
For sale land property in Riga, Bolderaja, Land area: 200 m², Drive way: Country road. Communications: electricity, well, local sewerage. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, river, lake, pond, forest, park.
Bolderaja200 m²12 000 €18/01/2022Meža Iela, Bolderaja, Riga
Land property Riga Vecaki
- Land property in Riga, Vecaki.
For sale land property in Riga, Vecaki, Land area: 4067 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: gas, electricity, city water, city sewerage. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, river, lake, forest, park.
Vecaki4067 m²199 €/м²809 333 €18/06/2022Garciema Iela 15, Vecaki, Riga
Land property Riga Teika
- 4Land property in Riga, Teika.
For sale land property in Riga, Teika, Land area: 1000 m², Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: gas, electricity, city water, city sewerage. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, forest.
Teika1000 m²222 €/м²222 000 €07/01/2023Burtnieku Iela 7, Teika, Riga
Land property Riga Jugla
- 2Land property in Riga, Jugla.
For rent land property in Riga, Jugla, Land area: 2087 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Near: public transport, supermarket, kindergarten, playground, lake, forest, park. Сдаю в аренду земельный участок 2087м2. Kdastrs № 01000912091 Как на короткий срок, так и на длительный срок. У...
Jugla2087 m²0.05 €/м²0.05 €27/06/2024Jaunelku Iela, Jugla, Riga
Land property Adazi
- 7Land property in Riga district, Adazi.
For sale land property in Riga district, Adazi, Land area: 2500 m², Drive way: Grant. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, sea, river, lake, forest. Īpašnieks pārdod zemes gabalu 0, 25ha platībā (2500m2) gleznainā vietā. Piemērots omulīgas mājas būvniecībai. Sausa, neplūstoša v...
Adazi5000 m²31 500 €11/03/2025Garciema Cels, Adazi - 1Land property in Riga district, Adazi.
For sale land property in Riga district, Adazi, Land area: 600 m², with approved project, Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity, borehole. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, sea, river, lake, forest, park. P. Больше информации по тел.20306689
Adazi600 m²42 500 €29/04/2024Smilgas 4 Līnija 8, Adazi - 6Land property in Riga district, Adazi.
For sale land property in Riga district, Adazi, Land area: 1473 m², with approved project, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity, city water, city sewerage. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, river, lake, forest, park. Звоните! Посредников просьба не беспокоить
Adazi1473 m²26 €/м²38 000 €31/10/2022Austrumu Iela 42, Adazi
Land property Divezeri
- 7Land property in Riga district, Divezeri.
For sale land property in Riga district, Divezeri, Land area: 5276 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Near: river, lake. Zeme apbūvei 4776 m2 Cimeļupīties ielā 6, Divezeri, Ādažu nov. (kadastra numurs 80440010090) 300 m no Dūņezera, Cimeļupītes/avota krastā ar izstrādātu topogrāfisko...
Divezeri5276 m²8.53 €/м²45 000 €20/07/2022Cimeļupītes Iela 6, Divezeri
Land property Dzerves
- 3Land property in Riga district, Dzerves.
For sale land property in Riga district, Dzerves, Land area: 5089.93 m², Drive way: Country road. Communications: electricity. Near: public transport, lake, forest.
Dzerves5089.93 m²110 000 €06/07/2024Pavasara Iela, Dzerves - 3Land property in Riga district, Dzerves.
For sale land property in Riga district, Dzerves, Land area: 3388.49 m², Drive way: Country road. Communications: electricity. Near: public transport, lake, forest.
Dzerves3388.49 m²23.00 €/м²75 000 €06/07/2024Pavasara Iela, Dzerves - 15Land property in Riga district, Dzerves.
For sale land property in Riga district, Dzerves, Land area: 3905 m², Drive way: Country road. Communications: gas, electricity, borehole, local sewerage. Near: public transport, lake, pond, forest, park.
Dzerves3905 m²93 000 €11/08/2023Pavasara Iela, Dzerves
Land property Dzilnuciems
- 5Land property in Riga district, Dzilnuciems.
For sale land property in Riga district, Dzilnuciems, Land area: 1274 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: electricity. Near: lake, forest. Pārdodu zemes gabalu klusā vietā, blakus mežs, ir piebraucamais ceļš un elektrība. Rīgas centrs 25 minūšu brauciens. Babītes vidusskola un sporta komplekss 8 m...
Dzilnuciems1274 m²25.12 €/м²37 800 €06/11/2024Sniegu Iela 20, Dzilnuciems
Land property Lapsas
- 15Zemes īpašums Rīgas rajonā,Trenči.
Zemes gabals par 564eur mēnesi. 50% PIRMĀ IEMAKSA un bezprocentu nomaksa bez banku starpniecibas uz 24 mēnešiem. 13540eur(50%) / 24 mēneši = 564eur ikmēneša maksājums. Zemes gabala rezervācija uz mēnesi -1000eur. Pārdod zemes gabalu 1254 metri, taisnstura forma, saulains (rīta, pēcpusdienas saule), ...
Lapsas2006 m²13.5 €/м²27 081 €19/07/2024Rotas, Lapsas - 11Zemes īpašums Rīgas rajonā,Trenči.
Zemes gabals par 337eur mēnesi. 50% Pirmā Iemaksa un bezprocentu nomaksa bez banku starpniecibas uz 24 mēnešiem. 8100 eur(50%) / 24 mēneši = 337 eur ikmēneša maksājums par zemes gabalu ar 1200m2 platību. Zemes gabala rezervācija uz mēnesi -1000eur. Pārdod zemes gabalu 1200 metri, taisnstura forma, s...
Lapsas1200 m²13.5 €/м²16 200 €19/07/2024Rubeņu, Lapsas - 8Land property in Riga district, Lapsas.
For sale land property in Riga district, Lapsas, Land area: 1 ha, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: electricity, borehole. Near: public transport, lake, forest. Īpašnieks pārdod zemi/saimniecību "Lapsas", kura bija, pirms ciemats tika apbūvēts apkārt. Īpašums atrodas pašā ciemata vidū, teritorijā ...
Lapsas1 ha45 €/м²450 000 €16/07/2024Lapsas
Land property Pinki
- 5Land property in Riga district, Pinki.
For sale land property in Riga district, Pinki, Land area: 1.6198 ha, Drive way: Asphalt. Communications: gas. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, river, lake, pond, forest, park.
Pinki1.6198 ha17 €/м²272 000 €07/06/2019Pinki
Land property Carnikava
- Land property in Riga district, Carnikava.
For sale land property in Riga district, Carnikava, Land area: 2400 m², with approved project, Drive way: Asphalt. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, sea, river, lake, forest, park. Pardod īpašnieks -29684450-Vera
Carnikava2400 m²75 000 €30/08/2022Zvejnieku Iela 25A, Carnikava
Land property Garciems
- 12Land property in Riga district, Garciems.
For sale land property in Riga district, Garciems, Land area: 5000 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications:. Near: public transport, supermarket, school, kindergarten, sea, river, lake, forest.
Garciems5000 m²0 €/м²31 500 €11/03/2025Garciema Cels, Garciems - 4Land property in Riga district, Garciems.
For sale land property in Riga district, Garciems, Land area: 1439 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: gas, electricity, city sewerage. Near: public transport, sea, river, forest. Продается земля под частный дом в Гарциемсе по адресу Aizveju iela 14. Площадь земли 1439 кв/м. Земля расположена в ти...
Garciems1439 m²60 €/м²86 340 €08/06/2024Aizveju Iela 14, Garciems - 5Land property in Riga district, Garciems.
For sale land property in Riga district, Garciems, Land area: 1894 m², Drive way: Grant. Communications: gas, electricity, city sewerage. Near: public transport, sea, river, forest. Продается земля под частный дом в Гарциемсе по адресу Vilgu iela 2. Площадь земли 1894 кв/м. Земля расположена в тихой...
Garciems1894 m²60 €/м²113 640 €08/06/2024Vilgu Iela 2, Garciems
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