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Masseuses for a Premium Tantric Lounge in Tenerife, SpainWe are looking for talented and dedicated female masseuses to join our exclusive tantric lounge located in the vibrant tourist area of southern Tenerife. Requirements: Education: No specific education required. Experience: Open to all experience levels. Training is available. Age Range: 23-33 years ...
Jobs in SpainNever mindfrom 2000€Yesterday 16:09Tenerife, Spain - Darbs
Atkartoti lieku sludibajumu pie auglju novaksanas spanija. Izbrauksana no lv ap 3oktobri
Jobs in Spainfrom 1500€26/09/2023 - Looking for job with accommodation in Spain. I
Hello. I'm 33 and I'm looking for job with accommodation. Can do most of jobs. Have experience with factory and warehouse Jobs. Also worked as Supervisor and team leader. Will check all opportunity. Thank you! Didzis (DJ)
Jobs in SpainHigherfrom 1000€01/03/2022Spain - 1Meklējam metāla konstrukciju montieri (noliktavu sistēmām)
Mēs sagaidām no Tevis: • iegūtu vidējo vai vidējo tehnisko izglītību • vēlmi apgūt jaunas zināšanas un prasmes • pozitīvu attieksmi pret cilvēkiem un darbu • komunikabilitāti un spēju strādāt komandā • loģisko un tehnisko domāšanu, precizitāti un atbildības sajūtu Tev uzticēsim: • veikt noliktavu ap...
Jobs in SpainSecondary specialfrom 2000€7:00-17:0020/08/2021