• Bicycle for children, 6-9 year 20 115-135, Vāvija. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 6-9 year 20" 115-135, Vāvija.

    For sale bicycle for children, 6-9 year 20" 115-135, Manufacturer: Vāvija, Good condition. Pārdodu bērnu velosipēdu 18 collas riepām, derēs no kādiem 4-8 gadi. Bremzes ar roku priekšā un ar kāju aizmugurē. Ķedes sargs, dubļusargi, atstarotāji un bagāžnieks ar atsperi. Atrodas pie Dienvidu tilta, Ķen...

    6-9 year 20" 115-135
    58 €12:00Riga, Kengarags
  • Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125, Vācija. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Vācija.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Manufacturer: Vācija, Good condition. viss strādā un nekustas gūltņos. Bremzes strādā ar roku priekšā, ar kāju aizmugurē. Mirgojošas vai degošas drošības lampiņas priekšā balta un aizmugurē sarkana, dubļusargi, bagāžnieks ar atsperi,atbalsta peciņ...

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    55 €12:00Riga, Kengarags
  • Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125, Vācija. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Vācija.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Manufacturer: Vācija, Good condition. viss strādā un nekustas gūltņos. Var redzēt riepas pat nav nemaz dilušas. Bremzes strādā ar roku priekšā, ar roku aizmugurē. Ķēdessargs, atstarotāji un atbalsta peciņa. Cena-45 EUR. Atrodas Ķengaragā pie Akrop...

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    45.00 €11:56Riga, Kengarags
  • Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24 125-150, DHS. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150, DHS.

    Продаю,Куплю bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150.

    8-12 year 24" 125-150
    50.00 €09:55Riga, Ilguciems
  • Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125, Vācija. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Vācija.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Manufacturer: Vācija, Good condition. viss strādā un nekustas gūltņos. Atstarotājs, dubļusargi, ķēdes sargs utt. Cena-50 EUR. Atrodas Ķengaragā pie Dienvidu tilta.

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    50.00 €05/01/2025Riga
  • Bicycle for children, From 1 year, Velon. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, From 1 year, Velon.

    For sale bicycle for children, From 1 year, Manufacturer: Velon, Good condition. Pārdodu bērnu trīsriteni Velon, bērniem no 1-5 gadiem.Jumtiņš,groziņš un signāla taurīte. Cena-30 Eur. Ķengarags pie Dienvidu tilta.

    From 1 year
    30.00 €02/01/2025Riga
  • Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125, kubikes. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, kubikes.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Manufacturer: kubikes, Perfect condition. Pirmais īpašnieks. sram automatix divu ātrumu rumba, kas pārslēdzas pie 13 km/h. Oglekļa šķiedras promax stute. tektro bremzes. schwalbe marathon racer riepas ar atstarojošu sānu joslu. kcnc iznesums.

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    330 €31/12/2024Cesis
  • Selling a Zundapp bike in excellent condition - MM.LV
    Selling a Zundapp bike in excellent condition

    Selling a Zundapp bike in excellent condition. 3 speeds in the wheel. Also, an electric generator powers the light bulb on the front and rear wheels. Lightweight aluminum frame, rear foot brake (disc), front hand brake. There is a trunk and a front basket mount. There is a bell and a speedometer on ...

    6-9 year 20" 115-135
    255 €30/12/2024Riga, Ilguciems
  • Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125, Score. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Score.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Manufacturer: Score, With side wheels, Good condition.

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    120 €04/09/2024Liepaja
  • 3
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2 86-110, Trendy. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Trendy.

    For sale bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Manufacturer: Trendy, Defective. надо поменять покрышку и камеру

    3-5 year 2" 86-110
    111 €03/08/2024Riga
  • Premium listings
    • Automobiļu pretkorozijas pārklājuma pistoles - MM.LVPremium
      Automobiļu pretkorozijas pārklājuma pistoles

      LV Profesionālai lietošanai, dažāda veida automobiļu pretkorozijas pārklājuma pistoles. Baltijas valstīs izplatām ne tikai instrumentus, bet arī pretkorozijas aizsardzības līdzekļus (vaska bāzes, bitumena bāzes, gumijas bāzes, ūdens bāzes un t.t.). Vairumtirdzniecības klientiem (juridiskām personām,...

      Hand and special tools
      59 €
  • 7
    Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24 125-150, gust&Juhi (bicycles). - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150, gust&Juhi (bicycles).

    For sale bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150, Good condition.

    8-12 year 24" 125-150
    90 €14/07/2024Jurmala, Dzintari
  • 5
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Good condition. Viegls 8,5 kg. Vairāk stāvēja nekā brauca

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    40.00 €12/07/2024Riga, Darzciems
  • 2
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2 86-110, Kinderkraft. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Kinderkraft.

    For sale bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Manufacturer: Kinderkraft, Good condition. Ничего не сломано.

    3-5 year 2" 86-110
    15.00 €06/06/2024Riga, Rīga
  • 5
    Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24 125-150, Palimar GT. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150, Palimar GT.

    For sale bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150, Manufacturer: Palimar GT, Used.

    8-12 year 24" 125-150
    50.00 €03/06/2024Upesciems
  • 1
    Bicycle for children, From 1 year. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, From 1 year.

    For sale bicycle for children, From 1 year, Good condition. ar skaņām. Var noņemt vecāka stūri.

    From 1 year
    10.00 €02/06/2024Riga
  • 4
    Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24 125-150, Rometa. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150, Rometa.

    For sale bicycle for children, 8-12 year 24" 125-150, Manufacturer: Rometa, Perfect condition.

    8-12 year 24" 125-150
    250 €09/05/2024Tukums
  • Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Used.

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    50.00 €28/04/2024Kekava
  • 2
    Bicycle for children, 6-9 year 20 115-135. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 6-9 year 20" 115-135.

    For sale bicycle for children, 6-9 year 20" 115-135, Used. Labdien , vēlos notirgot BMX velosipedu dēli izauguši un grib ko citu . Velosipeds laba darba stavokli , mainiti gultņi , riepas un ķēde .

    6-9 year 20" 115-135
    80 €25/04/2024Roja
  • 3
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125, B-TWIN. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, B-TWIN.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Perfect condition.

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    140 €17/04/2024
  • 2
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2 86-110, Corrat-bike. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Corrat-bike.

    For sale bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Manufacturer: Corrat-bike, With side wheels, Good condition.

    3-5 year 2" 86-110
    25.00 €06/03/2024Riga
  • 3
    Требует обслуживания - MM.LV
    Требует обслуживания

    Состояние на фото. Мыло alzhir@tutanota.com

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    10.00 €02/02/2024Riga, Vef
  • 3
    Ritens - MM.LV

    Labs ritens viss strādā

    9-13 year 26" 135-160
    150 €09/09/2023Rīgs
  • 2
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2 86-110, Warranty. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Warranty.

    For sale bicycle for children, 3-5 year 2" 86-110, Working condition, Warranty.

    3-5 year 2" 86-110
    10.00 €16/08/2023Riga, Kengarags
  • 3
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16 100-125, Hotrock. - MM.LV
    Bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Hotrock.

    For sale bicycle for children, 4-7 year 16" 100-125, Manufacturer: Hotrock, Good condition.

    4-7 year 16" 100-125
    25.00 €27/07/2023Marupe