• Apartment in Valmiera and district, 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Valmiera and district, 3 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Valmiera and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Vēlamies īrēt dzīvokli vai mazu mājiņu. Varam uzpucēt apsaimniekot. Esam 4bernu ģimene. Abi vecāki stradajoši ., nesmēķētāji. Ļoti priecājamies par katru piedāvājumu.

    Valmiera and district3 rm.
    200 €/mon.13/03/2022Valmieras Pag.
  • Apartment in Ogre and district, 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Ogre and district, 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Ogre and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm., fireplace, air conditioner.

    Ogre and district2 rm.
    220 €/mon.12/03/2022
  • Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Kuldiga and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. netālu no STĪGA RM......ļoti vēlos līdz 15 datumai atrast dzīves vietu! Ilgāk negribu 150€ pirmo un otro mēnesi.

    Kuldiga and district2 rm.
    150 €/mon.11/03/2022Kuldiga
  • Apartment in Bauska and district, 50 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Bauska and district, 50 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Bauska and district, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., supermarket, kindergarten, playground.

    Bauska and district50 м²2 rm.
    150 €/mon.09/03/2022Dārza Iela 17, Bauska
  • Apartment in Ogre and district, 45 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Ogre and district, 45 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Ogre and district, Area: 45 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., fireplace, air conditioner.

    Ogre and district45 м²2 rm.
    200 €/mon.06/03/2022
  • Apartment in Kraslava and district, 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Kraslava and district, 3 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Kraslava and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Э-почту не читаю. Звонить по телефону после 17:00.

    Kraslava and district3 rm.
    100 €/m²03/03/2022
  • Apartment in Gulbene and district, 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Gulbene and district, 3 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Gulbene and district, Number of rooms: 3 rm., fireplace, air conditioner.

    Gulbene and district3 rm.
    300 €/mon.03/03/2022Gulbene
  • Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Kuldiga and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. var būt malkas apkure, ja remontējams, varbūt ir iespējams ar izpirkuma tiesībām, Kuldīgā ar dzīvojamo platību tagad ir grūti, bet māja ko īrējam, ir diezgan kritiskā stāvoklī, ir mazs bērns.

    Kuldiga and district2 rm.
    200 €/mon.02/03/2022Kuldiga
  • Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 50 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 50 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Kuldiga and district, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Uz ilgstošu īri - meklēju dzīvokli Skrundā. Vismaz ar 2-3 istabām. Bez mēbelēm. Vēlams dzīvoklis labā stāvoklī,kur nav nepieciešams kapitālais remonts. Vēlams labierīcības dzīvoklī. Malkas,vai centrālā apkure. Es...

    Kuldiga and district50 м²2 rm.
    150 €/mon.01/03/2022Skrunda
  • Apartment in Aluksne and district, 1 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Aluksne and district, 1 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Aluksne and district, Number of rooms: 1 rm.. Vēlas īrēt dzīvokli vai maju Aluksne vai Aluksnes raj.

    Aluksne and district1 rm.
    80 €/mon.01/03/2022Aluksnes Raj.
  • Apartment in Jelgava and district, 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Jelgava and district, 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Jelgava and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm., fireplace, air conditioner.

    Jelgava and district2 rm.
    180 €/mon.01/03/2022
  • 1
    Apartment in Limbazi and district, 1 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Limbazi and district, 1 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Limbazi and district, Number of rooms: 1 rm., fireplace, air conditioner.

    Limbazi and district1 rm.
    150 €/mon.27/02/2022Limbazi
  • 1
    Apartment in Riga, Kengarags, 32 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Riga, Kengarags, 32 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Riga, Kengarags, Area: 32 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., fireplace, air conditioner.

    Kengarags32 м²1 rm.
    200 €/mon.25/02/2022Kengarags, Riga
  • snimu - MM.LV

    snimu kvartiru s pravom vikupa

    Preili and district40 м²2 rm.
    5 000 €/m²23/02/2022Centr 1111, Preili
  • Apartment in Ludza and district, 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Ludza and district, 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Ludza and district, Number of rooms: 2 rm., fireplace, air conditioner. Near: kindergarten.

    Ludza and district2 rm.
    150 €/mon.18/02/2022Sergeja Eizenšteina Iela, Ludza
  • Apartment in Riga, Center, 20 м², - rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Riga, Center, 20 м², - rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Riga, Center, Area: 20 м², Number of rooms: - rm., supermarket.

    Center20 м²- rm.
    100 €/mon.18/02/2022Centrs, Riga
  • Apartment in Jelgava and district, 20 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Jelgava and district, 20 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Jelgava and district, Area: 20 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., supermarket, school, kindergarten, playground, river, lake, pond, park, forest.

    Jelgava and district20 м²2 rm.
    150 €/mon.16/02/2022Pilsētā, Jelgava
  • Apartment in Bauska and district, 50 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Bauska and district, 50 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Bauska and district, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Near: supermarket.

    Bauska and district50 м²2 rm.
    200 €/mon.14/02/2022Draudzibas, Bauska
  • Apartment in Ludza and district, 50 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Ludza and district, 50 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Ludza and district, Area: 50 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm..

    Ludza and district50 м²2 rm.
    100 €/mon.14/02/2022Ludza
  • Apartment in Liepaja and district, 1 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Liepaja and district, 1 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Liepaja and district, Number of rooms: 1 rm..

    Liepaja and district1 rm.
    160 €/mon.13/02/2022
  • Apartment in Gulbene and district, 60 м², 3 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Gulbene and district, 60 м², 3 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Gulbene and district, Area: 60 м², Number of rooms: 3 rm.. Near: .

    Gulbene and district60 м²3 rm.
    150 €/mon.12/02/2022Gulbene
  • Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 1 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Kuldiga and district, 1 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Kuldiga and district, Number of rooms: 1 rm.. Uz ilgaku laiku.

    Kuldiga and district1 rm.
  • Apartment in Liepaja and district, 30 м², 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Liepaja and district, 30 м², 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Liepaja and district, Area: 30 м², Number of rooms: 2 rm., kindergarten.

    Liepaja and district30 м²2 rm.
  • Apartment in Daugavpils, Jauna Forstate, 2 rm.. - MM.LV
    Apartment in Daugavpils, Jauna Forstate, 2 rm..

    I would rent an apartment in Daugavpils, Jauna Forstate, Number of rooms: 2 rm.. Near: .

    Jauna Forstate2 rm.