Persian Language Lessons - 8 Euros Per Hour

8.00 €/hr.

Do you want to learn the Persian language? Would you like to read Hafez, Rumi and Khaqani in the original language? My friendly Persian lessons can help you. Regardless of whether you are just starting out or already have Persian language skills, you will quickly learn more by taking my classes. Because just like you, I only learned Persian as a second language, my ethnicity and mother tongue is South Azeri (the national language of Tabriz, Urmieh and Khoi in north-western Iran). Although I speak Persian fluently today and also study in this language, I understand very well how it feels to learn this language from the beginning and what its pitfalls are. I teach exclusively online, for a fixed price of 12 euros per hour (also with an invoice, that's no problem), also in the evenings or weekends. Lessons are held in English because the teaching materials are better in English.

  • 01/03/2023
  • Views : 134
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